Freedom Crossing

Freedom Crossing
By Margaret Goff Clark
5th Grade
Final Assessment
Directions: After reading Freedom Crossing,
think about the characters, the time in history
and what the whole story meant.
• Read the questions and select the best
• Record your answer on the “Answer Sheet”.
• Make sure your name is on it!
• Good Luck!!
1. Why did Laura live with Aunt Ruth
and Uncle Jim for 4 years?
• A. Her dad died.
• B. Her mom died.
• C. Her mom and dad died in a car crash
outside of Washington, DC.
2. What kind of relationship does
Laura and Joel have?
• A. They do not like each other at all.
• B. They love each other and are engaged to
be married.
• C. They get along and were best friends when
they were kids.
3. How does Uncle Dan feel about
slavery and the underground railroad?
• A. He thinks it’s wicked to help the slaves
• B. He helps in any way he can.
• C. He hires people to help the slaves escape.
4. What was the punishment for
helping a runaway slave?
• A. You had to clean the house of the person
who caught you.
• B. A very large fine or time in prison.
• C. Both A & B.
5. Why did Aunt Ruth think it was
more important for Laura to sew and
practice music than to cook?
• A. Uncle Jim said so.
• B. Laura is a very good musician and sews her
own costumes for her performances.
• C. Laura would marry a wealthy man and
have slaves do the work.
6. Bert and Pa were “batching it”.
What does this mean?
• A. They didn’t have a woman around to take
care of them.
• B. They didn’t have any chores to do.
• C. They had more time to plan an escape
route for the slaves.
7. What are the “Southern”
views of slavery?
• A. Only Northerners should own a slave.
• B. It is o.k. to own a slave or two.
• C. Slavery should be abolished!
8. Do all slaves feel the same as the
• A. Yes, because they enjoy working hard.
• B. No, because they want the chance to
“own” someone, too.
• C. No, because they want to be free.
9. What was Martin’s job
in North Carolina?
• A. He was a blacksmith.
• B. He was a stable boy.
• C. He was a cook.
10. Laura was surprised that Martin
could . . .
• A. Sew
• B. Read
• C. Speak English
11. What kind of relationship did
Laura have with her brother before
she went to Virginia?
• A. They hated each other!
• B. They stook up for each other.
• C. They really didn’t speak to one another.
12. What made the secret room
• A. All the clothes in the closet.
• B. The trap door without a visible handle or
• C. The curtains on the windows.
13. What did Laura want Martin to do
when they were eating breakfast?
• A. Hide in the cellar.
• B. Make more food.
• C. Sit down and eat with them.
14. What happened to Martin when
he taught a friend how to read?
• A. He was given a large amount of money to
help his family.
• B. He was whipped.
• C. He was sent away.
15. Who was Nat Turner?
• A. A slave catcher.
• B. The person who handed out warrants.
• C. An educated slave who lead an uprise.
16. Why was Laura’s world turning
upside down?
• A. She was confused about what she was told
and what she is now learning.
• B. She is confused about what Martin should
make for dinner.
• C. She is confused about Joel and Bert.
17. How did Laura prove to Bert that
she still knew how to cook?
• A. She made applesauce.
• B. She made pancakes.
• C. She made mashed potatoes.
18. How does the sheriff feel about
enforcing the Fugitive Slave Law?
• A. He thinks it is a good idea and enjoys
helping the slave catchers.
• B. He thinks it is a bad idea and enjoys
helping the slave catchers.
• C. He thinks it is a bad idea and does not like
cooperating with the slave catchers.
19. Why was the Eastman’s
carriage stolen?
• A. To help a slave.
• B. To stop Bert and Laura from going home.
• C. To stop Joel from getting arrested.
20. Why was Laura surprised that
Fredrick Douglas was the editor of his
own newspaper?
• A. Because he was friends with Uncle Dan.
• B. Because he could not read.
• C. Because he was a black man.
21. Why was Bert arrested?
• A. They wanted to question him about
• B. They wanted to question him about picking
up a slave.
• C. He had too many speeding tickets.
22. Where did Walt believe Laura was
the night he questioned the driver of
the Eastman carriage?
• A. At Tryon’s Folly.
• B. At Joel’s house.
• C. At home asleep.
23. Who was the backbone of the
underground railroad in Lewiston?
• A. Amos Tryon
• B. Joel Todd
• C. Josiah Tryon
24. Where did the slaves hide while
they were waiting for the boat?
• A. In the bushes on the grounds of Tryon’s
• B. In the fourth basement of Tryon’s Folly.
• C. In a hole that was covered by a boulder.
25. In the end, Laura figured out which
side she was on. Her beliefs were . . .
• A. Southern
• B. Northern
• C. Both
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1.Quit PowerPoint.
2.Drag the Freedom Crossing icon into the trash.
3.Initial the bottom of your answer sheet
4.Turn it in!