The Only Revolution
There is nothing permanent either on earth or in ourselves. Thought can give continuity to something it thinks about… Thought thinks itself permanent, but is it permanent? All this activity of thought creates fear, and out of this fear there is the drive for permanency—the fear of not having a meal tomorrow, or shelter, or death.
The Only Revolution
Thought itself is impermanent because it exists in time. It is constantly changing; thus anything thought creates is itself impermanent. This mistake by the phenomenon of thought is the greatest illusion we face as humans.
The Only Revolution
If you look for truth because you want to be rewarded or fear punishment, truth cannot be found. To really see, you must be free from all authority, tradition, fear, and the cunning words of thought. Truth is to see what is. It is the beginning and end of all search.
The Only Revolution
A righteous life is not the following of social morality, but the freedom from envy, greed, and the quest for power. Freedom from these painful results does not come through an act of will, but by being self-aware in order to see the deeper patterns.
The Only Revolution
One conforms because of a promised reward. One disciplines oneself in order to get something. In order to achieve something one obeys and submits, and the pattern—whether attempting to be a communist or a Christian or a Buddhist— becomes the authority. In pre-conceived patterns there is no freedom at all.
The Only Revolution
Learning is not a matter of gathering information, but seeing the structure and the nature of things as they are. To learn to see clearly requires freedom from preconceived patterns.
The Only Revolution
Time has a stop only when thought has a stop. It is the moment of stopping that the now is. This now is not an idea, it is an actual fact, but only when the whole mechanism of thought has come to an end.
The feeling of now is entirely different from the word “now” which is in time.
The Only Revolution
The mind can give meaning to anything, but the meaning it gives is meaningless. When one asks what is the purpose of life, it is like worshipping a stick of wood. The terrible thing is that the mind is always inventing new purposes, new meanings, new delights, and also destroying them. The mind is never quiet.
The Only Revolution
Thought has built the church, the savior, the guru; thought has invented nationalities; thought has divided the people in the nation into different communities, different classes, all at war with each other.
The Only Revolution
The sadness of life is this—the emptiness that we try to fill inside with every conceivable trick of the mind. But that emptiness remains. Sadness comes from the relentless effort to possess, dominate, assert, and own in order to fill this emptiness. This vain effort is destroying humanity as we know it.
The Only Revolution
Intelligence is the seeing of what is. The what is constantly changes. But when intelligence is anchored in the past then true intelligence ceases. The dead weight of memory then dictates the action that must follow the old pattern.
The Only Revolution
The mind objects to being a slave to a dictator or to the tyranny of the State, yet willingly submits to the tyranny of the
Church or the Mosque, or the latest, most fashionable psychiatric dogmas. It cleverly invents—seeing so much helpless miser—a new Holy Ghost or anew Atman which soon becomes the image to be worshipped.