The Middle Kingdom - White Plains Public Schools

The Middle Kingdom
In this lesson, students will identify
characteristics of the Middle Kingdom, a
period of ancient Egyptian history.
Students will be able to define or
summarize the following terms and
Middle Kingdom
Differences between the Old Kingdom and
the Middle Kingdom
E. Napp
Around 2040 B.C., a new dynasty
of powerful Pharaohs reunited Egypt
after the collapse of the Old Kingdom.
E. Napp
A pharaoh was a divine ruler of ancient
Egypt. The Egyptians believed that
a pharaoh was godlike.
E. Napp
Differences Between the Old
Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom
There were several important differences
between the Old Kingdom and the
Middle Kingdom:
*During the Middle Kingdom, pharaohs
shared power with other officials.
*People of the Middle Kingdom mummified
*Pharaohs were not buried in pyramids in
the Middle Kingdom.
E. Napp
During the Middle Kingdom, ancient
Egyptians believed that all people
experienced life after death.
E. Napp
During the Middle Kingdom, the ancient
Egyptians mummified all of the dead for
the afterlife.
E. Napp
• A dead person needed his body to get to
the afterlife.
• If the body was properly preserved, the
spirit would reenter the body and bring it to
life in the next world.
• Depending on an ancient Egyptian’s social
status, the process of mummification could
be elaborate or simple.
E. Napp
When a person was mummified, the
organs were removed and carefully
preserved but the brain was thrown away.
E. Napp
The ancient Egyptians believed that the
heart was the seat of the soul.
E. Napp
Interesting Facts About
• The brain was taken out through the nose.
• Embalmers did not want to damage the
• Masks were placed over the heads of
mummies to ensure that spirits could
recognize their bodies.
• Natron was used to dry the body out and
preserve it.
E. Napp
The people of the Middle Kingdom did
not bury pharaohs in pyramids.
E. Napp
Around 1630 B.C., the Hyksos invaded
and defeated the Middle Kingdom.
E. Napp
The Hyksos
• The Hyksos were nomads from Southwest
• The Hyksos had superior weapons. They
introduced the horse-drawn chariot.
• The Hyksos could make iron. They had
superior technology.
E. Napp
Questions for Reflection:
• List three significant differences between
the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom.
• Why did Middle Kingdom people mummify
• Describe the process of mummification.
• Who were the Hyksos?
• Why were the Hyksos able to defeat the
people of the Middle Kingdom?
E. Napp