Propuesta de celda operativa

1. Certified Companies (NEEC-CTPAT)
2. Modification to pedimento code RT. Annex 22
3. Declaration of Value and code PV
4. COVE (Comprobante de valor electronico-Ventanilla Única)
Certified Companies (NEEC-CTPAT)
 On December 15, 2011 in the 4th modification of the Customs Rules modified the
Certified Companies regulations. It included a new type called “NEEC”. This
modification is in effect since Jan. 2, 2012. (Rule 3.8.1)
 Rule 3.8.1 section “L” includes this new type of certified company.
Includes several sectors moved from other sections of the rule:
IMMEX controladoras (apartado E)
IMMEX de manufactura y reparación de aeronaves (apartado G)
Empresas que cuenten con SECIIT (apartado H)
Industria química (apartado K)
Other companies can apply for this section L too.
The application has general requirements and must have a favorable authorization by
(ACAI) Administración Central de Asuntos Internacionales.
Certified Companies (NEEC-CTPAT)
 Requirements to apply section L (NEEC)
1. Have customs transactions for 5 years. New companies can NOT apply.
2. Be able to issue digital fiscal invoices.
3. Apply to ACAI for the favorable authorization mentioned on rule 3.8.1
4. Must comply with the “security profile”.
 Terms for authorization:
100 days (Negativa ficta)
30 days (Application to ACRA)
ACRA 40 days
Total 6 months
Certified Companies (NEEC-CTPAT)
 Actual authorizations.
If you had an authorization when this was published you will continue to benefit until
its termination.
If you do not comply with the requirements as the security profile you can’t apply again
in the next 2 years for section “L”. And 6 months for the rest.
Certified Companies (NEEC-CTPAT)
 Declare IC code for certified companies in pedimentos. Jan 2012
Empresa Certificada
Declarar la clave que corresponda, conforme a lo siguiente:
A. Regla 3.8.1., apartado A
B. Regla 3.8.1., apartado B
D. Regla 3.8.1., apartado D
F. Regla 3.8.1., apartado F
L. Regla 3.8.1., apartado L
Conforme al artículo Séptimo de la Cuarta Resolución de
Modificaciones a las RGGMCE 2011, cuando se encuentre vigente
su autorización, declarar lo siguiente:
C. Regla 3.8.1., apartado C
E. Regla 3.8.1., apartado E
G. Regla 3.8.1., apartado G
H. Regla 3.8.1., apartado H
I. Regla 3.8.1., apartado I
J. Regla 3.8.1., apartado J
K. Regla 3.8.1., apartado K.
Modification to pedimento code RT. Annex 22
 December 6, 2011 was published the code RT for “IMMEX exports”:
RT Retorno
Retorno al extranjero de mercancía transformada, elaborada o
reparada al amparo de un Programa IMMEX.
·Retorno de mercancías extranjeras en su mismo estado, excepto
cuando se trate del retorno de envases y empaques, etiquetas y
folletos importados temporalmente al amparo de un Programa
IMMEX, que se utilicen en la exportación de mercancía nacional,
para lo cual deberán utilizar la clave de documento A1.
This means that all exports by IMMEX (raw materials, fix assets, finish goods, service
maquila, and scrap) must use code RT and not H1 how we did in the past. Since
This resolves the problem we had in declaring value added in pedimento H1.
Declaration of Value and code PV
 Addition of code PV in Annex 22 of Customs Rules on December 6, 2011.
( Prueba de Valor)
 This relates to the elimination of countervailing duties to China on December 11,
2011. The Mexican government and the representatives of the affected industries in
Mexico concerned that this products would enter under declaring the value of this
goods, created a mechanism to verify the international value of this goods.
 Since December 15, 2011 Customs is verifing the value of this goods declared in the
Declaration of Value and code PV
 SAT thru Customs is doing a risk analysis on sensitive HTS classifications. The first
phase includes 413 HTS for textiles, then they will include shoes, clothing and toys.
PV- Prueba de valor.
Indicar que el agente aduanal cuenta con la
documentación y medios de prueba necesarios para
comprobar el valor declarado de conformidad con la
fracción III del artículo 59 de la Ley.
Customs Broker can declare PV only if they have the Declaration of Value signed by the
importer. This is issued every 6 months.
They can not determine valuation method, and related parties, etc.
We can’t have access to the values they determined.
Consequence: investigation to Importer or Broker, fines and duties.
COVE (Comprobante de valor electronico-Ventanilla Única)
Legal support for Ventanilla Única and COVE
January 14, 2011 Decree that establishes the “Ventanilla Digital Mexicana de Comercio
Exterior”. (12 Articles and 2 Transitory)
January 13, 2012 Rule 3.1.31 COVE.
COVE is also funamentated in Art. 36 of Customs Law (Administración de Competencias
y Modernización Aduanera)
COVE It’s similar to the e-manifest for US Customs.
COVE (Comprobante de valor electronico-Ventanilla Única)
What is COVE?
It’s a system that receives electronically the value of the goods that will be imported
or exported.
Simplify and substitute all documents that manifest values that are presented to
When is obligatory?
March 1st, 2012
COVE (Comprobante de valor electronico-Ventanilla Única)
1. Importer, exporter or Custom Broker access with
electronic signature (FIEL) and click’s on COVE.
2. Enter the information related to the value on web site. This process can be done
electronically too, if you have the interphase.
3. COVE will provide an “e-document” as confirmation
4. Custom Broker declares “e-document” in pedimento or pedimento consolidado.
5. Custom Broker validates, pays and presents pedimento to Customs.
6. Customs verifies documents electronically in COVE.
Contact Info
Brokerage & Logistics Solutions, Inc.
Ricardo Rebeil