REGULATIONS Pursuant to Article 59 of Customs Law, Anyone importing goods should comply, without detriment to other obligations provided by the Law, with the following: I. Make use of Inventory control systems in an automated form, that maintain at all times the updated registers of all foreign trade goods, same that will be accesible to Customs authority upon request. REGULATIONS FEDERAL TAX CODE Pursuant to Article 28 of the Federal Tax Code. The persons that in accordance with the fiscal dispositions are bound to keep accounting records, should observe the following rules:......... IV. Will keep a control of their inventories of merchandise, raw materials, work in progress and finished goods, regardless. This will consist on a registry that will allow to identify by; units, products, concepts and date, the increase or decrease in such inventories, as well as the initial and ending inventory balance for each year. Within the concept you must indicate if it is a return, purchase, donation, or destruction among others. REGULATIONS GENERAL RULES IN EXTERIOR COMMERCE Pursuant to Rule 4.3.3 of the General Rules for Foreign Trade, for the effects of articles 59, fraction I, 108, 109 and 112 of Customs Law, the companies under IMMEX program that import goods temporarily under this program, must have an automated Inventory control, that contains at least the catalogs/modules established in Annex 24 paragraph I of said rules REGULATIONS Pursuant to Article 10 of the IMMEX Decree. Companies on the program may apply the simplification by SAT thru the General Rules in Foreign Trade, to keep the automated Inventory Control system refered to by Law. LEGAL BASIS IMMEX DECREE ARTICLE 24 FRACTION IX. Keep track of your inventory control in an automated form, observing provisions in article 10 of the present decree, and FRACTION X. In the case of temporary imports for fuel and lubricants that are used to achieve the manufacturing operations under this program, these must have a strict volume control and prove its consumptions. REGULATIONS PROSEC DECREE ..... Presenting this information, does not exempt the producers of the obligation to use the computer system for the inventory control registered in their accounting books, that complys with the requirements established by Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (Mexican IRS). SANCTIONS Article 185-A. He who does not comply with disposed in fraction 1 from article 59 from this Law commits an infraction related to the obligation of keeping an automated system for inventory control. FINES Article 185-B. Their will be a fine applied in the amount of $10,243.00 a $20,486.00 to who commits this infraction related to the obligation of keeping an automated system for the control of their inventories foreseen in article 185-A of this Law. SANCTIONS Definite suspension from the importers Registrar (Rule 1.3.4, paragraph XII, y fraction I). The taxpayer that doesn’t keep the accounting, registers, inventories or media to control, what he is obliged to keep according to the dispositions of the fiscal and Customs Laws; or hides, alters or destroys totally or partially. CANCELATION OF IMMEX PROGRAM ARTICLE 27.- Ground for cancellation of the program if the company is found in any of the the following assumptions: I. Not complying with any of the obligations foreseen in the present Decree; BEST PRACTICES File Integration Authorization of the IMMEX and its extensions. Authorization of the PROSEC and its extensions. Broker´s proxy Valuation report Certificate of Origin Permits (Rule 8th, Semarnat, Cicoplafest, etc) Pedimentos FILING PEDIMENTOS BY STATUS BY PERIOD BEST PRACTICES MANUALS Of Operation Of Internal Audit Detailed documents of the procedures in a systematic and orderly manner. The manuals must also establish internal and external training programs. BEST PRACTICES PROCESS OF AUTOMATION Analysis and audit of the Inventory Control System. Discharges Permit Control EDI transmission of invoices, emanifest