Essay Structure yr9

Essay Structure – Year Nine
Introductions – No surprises!
The novel A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove shows us that, ultimately friends
are the most important influence on young peoples’ lives. The idea of
friendship is generally understood as people who are not your family, but
are part of your life because they care about you and like you. In the novel
Carl Matt moves to Wattle Beach with his younger brother, Harley, and
must come to understand himself and his place in the world after their
mother, Kerry Matt, left them. The crucial influence of friendship is shown
when Carl is lonely and visits the beach to watch other people his age,
when Carl meets Justine, and when Harley and Joy act like friends. The
novel demonstrates that there is no more important influence than
friendship, especially to those with troubled family lives.
Your intro
People are not necessarily trapped by their pasts.
Discuss in relation to A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove.
The ‘gist’ – a SHORT summary
to show the general idea of
the plot.
A boy grows up as an
underprivileged ‘Greaser’ and
ends up running away after
his friend stabs another boy.
‘trapped’ – how are you
interpreting this?
In A Bridge to Wiseman’s
Cove the author (James
Maloney) shows us that…
The novel A Bridge to
Wiseman’s Cove, by
James Maloney
In James Maloney’s novel
A Bridge to Wiseman’s
Cove …
Your intro
‘trapped’ – how are you
interpreting this?
The ‘gist’ – a SHORT summary
to show the general idea of
the plot.
A boy grows up as an
underprivileged ‘Greaser’ and
ends up running away after
his friend stabs another boy.
Topic Sentence: What is this paragraph’s point?
Evidence: Prove you’re right – quote/
example from the text
what does your quote mean? How does it
back up your point?
Link: link to your next point. (Eg. Another character who… is…
Conclusions – sum up your answer,
remind what you wrote about, suggest
implications for the wider world.
Ultimately, friendship is the key to the Matts’ survival in Wattle
Beach because of the positive influence it hard on their lives.
Moving on from his initial, lonely weeks, Carl makes friends with
Justine, which has a positive influence on his self-esteem. Harley,
originally troubled and becoming anti-social, makes friends with Joy
and can, for the first time, experience a constructive relationship
with a mother figure. Looking to our friends in times of need, as
shown by the Matt boys’ experiences, helps us all deal with family
and social issues in a positive and constructive way.