“Peneraju Pendidikan Negara” YEAR 2 CONTENT & LEARNING STANDARDS CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. LEARNING STANDARDS 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases c) simple sentences 3.1.2 Able to write numerals in neat legible print: a) numeral form b) word form CONTENT STANDARD 3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purposes LEARNING STANDARDS 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance: a) simple messages b) posters 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly: a) capital letters b) full stop c) question mark 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words CONTENT STANDARD 3.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write and present ideas through a variety of media using appropriate language, form and style. LEARNING STANDARDS 3.3.1 Able to create simple nonlinear texts using a variety of media with guidance: a) posters b) signs THE WRITING SKILL What is our expectation of children when they write? Perfection? Neat handwriting? Good spelling? Clear punctuation? Sound grammar? THE WRITING SKILL What is your emphasis? The process or the product? Developing writing skills happen over a series of stages and it doesn’t happen quickly! It’s a PROCESS. THE WRITING SKILL To teach writing effectively, teachers need to provide the scaffolding required for the particular writing activity. Four common specific types of writing that teachers can do in the classrooms: Modelled Writing Shared Writing Guided Writing Independent Writing MODELLED WRITING WHAT IS MODELLED WRITING? The teacher is the active writer. She: chooses the topics. demonstrates the skills of gathering and organizing information (diagrams, pictures, graphic organisers) shows the need to clarify meaning. models the ways in which information can be reordered, reoriented, changed, or deleted How to do modelled writing? The teacher: thinks aloud. writes slowly and says a few words ahead before she writes them. may get stuck in the midst of writing and rereads what she has written. asks pupils questions about what they would like to know….this is to model the thought process in writing. Inky pic of Inky.doc Sample modelled writing activity Inky This is my pet. I call him Inky. Inky is a rat. He has grey fur and big, pink ears. Inky likes to eat cheese and drink milk. I love Inky very much. substitution table.doc SHARED WRITING SHARED WRITING Teacher and student composing the text together – teacher acts as the scribe, writing the text as it is being composed. A method for direct teaching of key skills and concepts needed in the writing process. The purpose: to model the thought process involved in writing and allow pupils to engage in and focus on the process. When the teacher is writing, it frees pupils from that aspect of the writing process so that they can focus exclusively on the thinking involved in writing. Reggie Routman (1994) lists several benefits of shared writing: Reinforces and supports reading as well as writing. Makes it possible for all students to participate. Encourages close examination of texts, words, and options of authors. Demonstrates the conventions of writing-spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Focuses on composing and leaves transcribing to the teacher. SAMPLE SHARED WRITING ACTIVITY Text for shared writing Sample shared writing text.doc GUIDED WRITING GUIDED WRITING The teacher works with either individual pupils or pupils in small groups. The teacher guides by discussing with the group, helping them to form word maps, prompting and guiding them to write. SAMPLE GUIDED WRITING ACTIVITY-3.3.1(a) SAMPLE GUIDED WRITING TEXT SAMPLE GUIDED WRITING TEXT.doc Task In small groups, demonstrate either modelled/shared/guided writing based on the writing learning standards found in the Standard Document. References: http://www.primary-education-oasis.com/teaching- writing-to-children.html http://www.nicurriculum.org.uk/docs/foundation_stage/ areas_of_learning/language_and_literacy/LL_Writing.pdf Harmer, Jeremy (2004) How to teach writing?, Longman. http://www.teachervision.fen.com/reading-andlanguage-arts/skill-builder/48883.html