Daniel and the King`s Food

* 1. The Lord has revealed the Word of
Wisdom to Joseph Smith the Prophet.
If we obey, and follow in faith,
beautiful blessings are promised:
*2. A clean body, a clear mind, a spirit
in tune with the Lord;
These are promised to all who follow
the word and will of God.
Words and music: Janice Kapp Perry, b. 1938
© 1987 by Janice Kapp Perry. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use
Enrichment Activity #5
“Lesson 40: Daniel and the King’s Food,”
Primary 6: Old Testament, (1996),176
*This baited
is set and
ready to
*What would a mouse do if it
understood how the trap worked
and knew that touching the bait
was sure to bring disaster?
*What “bait”
does Satan
use to try to
persuade us
to disobey
the Word of
*Giving in to advertisements that
appear desirable or to pressure from
others is like touching the bait in the
*In this lesson we will learn about
the courage and self-discipline
Daniel had in refusing the meat and
wine the king ordered him to eat.
*We will also learn
how Daniel was
blessed for obeying
the Lord’s law of
health, the Word of
*The king of Babylon
took the Jews to his
*He took some of their
children to live in his
*Four of them were
Daniel, Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abed-nego.
They learned to speak
the king’s language.
*The king sent food and
wine to Daniel and his
*God said they should
not eat this food. It
was not good for them.
*They would not eat the food or drink
the wine. They asked the king’s
servants to bring them good food.
They asked for water, not wine.
*The servant
gave Daniel and
his friends water
to drink. He gave
them good food
for ten days.
*Daniel and his friends obeyed God.
Daniel and his friends looked better
than the other children.
*After three years,
Daniel, Shadrach,
Meshach, and
Abed-nego were
taken to the king.
He talked to them.
*The king said they were wiser than
his wise men. God had blessed
Daniel and his friends. God had
made them strong and wise.
*After King
captured Jerusalem
and took many of the
people of Judah
captive, whom did he
want to come live in
his household?
*Let’s read Daniel 1:3–4
*What qualities did those who were
chosen possess?
*What were the names of four of the
chosen ones of the children of Judah?
*Let’s read Daniel 1:6–7
*The king eventually
wanted to use these
young men in his
service, so what did
he do to take care of
*Let’s read Daniel 1:5
*What commitment
had Daniel and his
friends made in
their hearts?
*Let’s read Daniel
*Why do you think Daniel did not
want to eat the king’s food or drink
his wine?
*When Moses was Israel’s prophet, the
Lord gave the children of Israel a law
that told them what to eat and drink.
*The food the king wanted Daniel and
his friends to eat was against this law.
*In our day we have
a law of health that
has been revealed
to us called the
Word of Wisdom.
*What are some of the healthy
foods mentioned in the Word of
*Let’s read D&C 89:11–12, 16
*Notice that grains
are mentioned,
which is what Daniel
and his friends
wanted to eat.
Enrichment Activity #1
*Which substances does the Word of
Wisdom tell us are harmful to our
*Let’s read D&C 89:5–9
*The Prophet Joseph Smith
defined “hot drinks” as tea
and coffee. Modern prophets
have added drugs, when
used inappropriately, to this
harmful list.
Enrichment Activity #1
*The Prophet Joseph
Smith defined “hot
drinks” as tea and
*Modern prophets have added
drugs, when used inappropriately,
to this harmful list.
Enrichment Activity #1
Good for
Not Good
for Us
*I have word strips on the table with
foods and substances listed in the Word
of Wisdom.
*Take turns putting the word strips
under the correct heading.
Enrichment Activity #1
*If someone offered
you something that
was against the Word
of Wisdom, how could
you be like Daniel?
*Satan tries to convince us through
advertising, tv, movies and peer
pressure that disobeying the Word
of Wisdom is fun and exciting and
that it will not harm us.
Enrichment Activity #2
*What are some of the
ways others might try
to get you to use
tobacco, alcohol,
coffee, tea, or drugs?
*Others might say such things as, “A
little won’t hurt you,” “It makes
you feel good,” or “Once won’t
Enrichment Activity #2
*Choose a slip of paper and
role play how you would
respond to peer pressure to try
that item.
*In each case, even though it
can be said in various ways,
the answer is always “No!”
Enrichment Activity #2
*Why was the king’s chief officer
worried when Daniel would not eat
and drink the king’s food?
*Let’s read Daniel 1:10
*What was Daniel’s plan?
*Let’s read Daniel 1:12–
*Pulse was a food made
from seeds and grains.
*How was the health of these young
men different after the ten-day
testing period?
*Let’s read
Daniel 1:15
*In 1919 Creed Haymond was a runner
representing his college in an annual
athletic meet involving 1,700 men.
*The night before the meet, Creed’s
coach said, “Creed, I’m having the
boys take a little sherry wine
tonight. I want you to have a little.”
Enrichment Activity #4
*“I can’t do it,
*“But Creed, I’m not trying to get
you to drink. I know what you
Mormons believe. I’m giving you
this as a tonic.”
*The coach continued trying to
coax Creed into taking some of the
wine, but Creed refused.
Enrichment Activity #4
*But later Creed
thought, “What if I
make a poor
showing tomorrow;
what can I say to
the coach?”
*He was going against the fastest man
in the world. Nothing less than his
best would do. His teammates were
doing as they were told.
Enrichment Activity #4
*They believed in
their coach. What
right had he to
*Only one right, his belief in the Word
of Wisdom.
*He prayed that the Lord would
increase his testimony of the Word of
Wisdom, and then he went to sleep.
*The next morning, all the boys on the
team except Creed were sick.
Enrichment Activity #4
*During the meet it
was evident that
something was
wrong with Creed’s
*One after another his teammates fell
far below their own records.
*Then the 110-yard (100-meter) dash
was announced; it and the 220-yard
(200-meter) dash were Creed
Haymond’s races.
Enrichment Activity #4
*The starter shot
the pistol, and
every man started
running except
Creed Haymond.
*The earth gave way because of a hole
made by a previous runner, and Creed
came down on his knees.
*But in a flash he was up again, and at
the last moment he swept past the
leader to win the race.
Enrichment Activity #4
*Through a mistake
in arrangement, the
finals of the 220
came immediately
after the semifinals.
*Creed had already run three races
and had just barely finished his
semifinal heat in the 220.
*He went to the starter to ask for
some time to catch his breath.
Enrichment Activity #4
*But the starter had
been ordered to
begin the race, so
he had to call the
men to their marks.
*This time Creed shot from his marks
and sprinted away from the field.
*Creed ran that race in twenty-one
seconds, the fastest time the 220 had
ever been run by any human being.
(Adapted from “I Can’t Do It, Coach,” in Inspiring Stories for Young Latter-day Saints, comp. Leon
Enrichment Activity #4
Hartshorn [1975], pp. 123–28.)
*What blessings did Creed
Haymond receive because he
kept the Word of Wisdom?
Enrichment Activity #4
*Besides being blessed with good
physical health, in what other ways
were Daniel and his friends blessed?
*Let’s read Daniel 1:17, 20
*Why do you think their mental
abilities were increased?
*How can we receive the same
blessings that Daniel and his friends
*What are the Lord’s
promises to all who
obey the Word of
*Let’s read D&C
*What are some of the wonderful things
our bodies can do?
*What are some of the things our bodies
are constantly doing that we don’t even
have to think about, like breathing,
pumping blood through our veins,
healing illnesses, sending messages from
the brain to nerve endings, and so on?
Enrichment Activity #3
*We should express
gratitude in our prayers to
Heavenly Father for the
great gift of our physical
*We should show
our gratitude for
our physical bodies
by following the
Word of Wisdom.
Enrichment Activity #3
I am grateful for the
Word of Wisdom, and
bear my testimony that
keeping this law of
health blesses us both
physically and
*Images and clipart are from lds.org,
sugardoodle.net, Microsoft Office, and other
websites indicating the images were in the public
domain. The hymn, lesson and scripture story are
from lds.org
*Please do not use this presentation for commercial
use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in
church or home to suit personal preference.
*The presentation is intended to supplement, not
replace, the lesson manual and scriptures.
Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures
and other resources when preparing and
conducting the lesson.