Medici contro Pazzi: Difesa e Rapporto sull'Omicidio, 1478

AO94 – Statement of Defense
Court of Florence
Medici Family vs. Pazzi Family
Case Number: 16784
Defense statement given by Pierro di Pazzi
“My family is completely innocent of these charges. We
didn’t need to kill the Medici brothers. We got what we
wanted when Pope Sixtus transferred his money into our
accounts. We didn’t need to attack the Medici - we aren’t
stupid. We knew that would just make the people like them
even more.
In fact, I contend that it was Lorenzo Medici himself who
conspired to have his brother killed. Lorenzo was always
interested in power for himself. If Giuliano was out of the
picture Lorenzo could be like a king – just as he always
wanted. He probably got the idea from that crazy book
Machiavelli wrote.
Think about it. How did Lorenzo escape this attack with
barely a scratch if it was so well planned out? Why was my
brother Francesco was put to death before he could even
defend himself in court? Why was Lorenzo’s own friend, The
Duke of Urbino, involved? The answer is simple. He wanted
to frame my family for the murder so he could take power
for himself and make us look guilty.”
SWORN TO before me this 15th day of June, 1478
Mario di Bastilla
Florentine District Judge
Giuliano de’ Medici Murder Report
Date: April 26, 1478 - Easter Sunday
Weather: clear, warm, temp at 76 F
Location: The Duoma, Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore
To wipe out the Medici family, both Lorenzo and Giuliano de
Medici had to be killed the same day. If only one were
killed, the other would go into hiding and the plot would fail.
There was one time when the brothers would surely be
together- The Easter Church Service. Just as the holy
Eucharist (bread and wine) was being blessed, the
conspirators attacked.
Victim One:
Giuliano de’ Medici was stabbed from behind by
conspirators. 19 stab wounds were recorded as well as what
appears to be blunt trauma to the skull (see photos). He was
pronounced dead on the cathedral floor.
Victim Two:
Lorenzo de’ Medici was also stabbed but escaped with nonlife-threatening wounds. His aides locked him safely in the
sacristy until the assassins had been dealt with.
Evidence Collected: two knives (see photos).
Giuliano de’ Medici’s skull. Puncture wounds can be clearly seen. Further
cracks stemming from the punctures are typical of blunt trauma.
Black wooden handle, embossed with gold and silver. Iron sheath is engraved
and covered with gold leaf found in the home of Francesco di Pazzi.
Ebony handle with silver ornamentation. Steel blade etched with the initials
T7 p7p3 qixtuq,
+3tq d7 it. +3tq g3t rid of
+7r3nz7 aq q77n aq w3 can. I’++
q3nd y7u my tr77pq and h3+p
y7u 7ut. N7 7n3 quqp3ctq m3 q7
it w7u+d b3 p3rf3ct.
Understanding Coded Letters
The most common symbols will
usually be vowels, like “o” and
“e”. After seeing the vowels,
some words will be clear. Use
the remaining symbols if
needed.7 = o
Banco di Medici.
par Papa Sixtus
una mille ducats par estatue de Domingo Sanctus
deux mille ducats par manor de Papa en Tuscano
Dearest Papa Sixtus,
We are sorry but you have been denied.
We are no longer willing to extend to you
the credit you seek for the purchase of the
town. Your request is denied. You owe us
too many Ducats. You have borrowed
over 35,000 ducats and have not paid
back any. We will gladly do business
again once you have paid some of your
Lorenzo Medici