Trusted Colleague Network: Observing Pupil Responses

Trusted Colleague Network:
Observing Pupil Responses to
Changes in Teaching
TCN – General Points
Not a method for monitoring teaching methods
but a means to look at the impact changes in our
teaching can have on pupils.
Not a method of appraisal.
It is an opportunity to experience another pair of
eyes on our teaching from a trusted colleague –
something that we usually experience only in
high pressure situations (Inspections/PRSD
Initial Preparation
Recruit staff (not SLT) around 20 staff members
to form a focus group.
Provide focus group with results from the pupil
voice exercise to show what pupils feel are the
key elements of a good lesson.
Ask staff to individually answer questions
relating to the following four areas:
4 Key Questions
1. What aspect of their current classroom practice would they like to
This will be accompanied by a framework for teachers to consider as a point
of reference – highlighting skills, knowledge and values.
2. What training do they feel they need in order to bring about
improvement in this area?
Staff must define what specific aspects of their development require
3. How do they feel this improvement will directly impact on the pupils
they teach?
This will be accompanied by a framework for teachers to consider as a point
of reference – highlighting aspects of pupil impact tabulated under the areas
of knowledge, skills & attitudes.
4. How do they feel this impact can be effectively measured? How can
we tell if it is making a difference?
The answer to this or an agreement on this will be reached by the pair of
observing teachers after their series of observations is complete. They will
think of how these pupil responses will be measured before hand.
Staff questionnaires are collected and staff
paired off accordingly, if possible matching
their development needs, though this is
not essential.
Training to be provided for these staff
members on how to conduct peer
observation and offer constructive
TCN in Action
This should be a recognised process across the school (otherwise it will not
be sustained).
A lesson observation sheet will be completed as a paired activity for each
teacher in the pair. They will refer to their answers from their initial audit
when completing this task. They will agree on the parameters for
observation i.e. what they expect to see in terms of pupil response. This will
ensure that they both feel comfortable addressing the competencies
associated with their development area.
Teachers will jointly observe each other once per month. They will be given
one period to design and draw up a peer observation sheet and agree how
long they want to be observed for each area of focus – one lesson, two
lessons, whole term.
During the lesson the observing teacher should look for and record against
the agreed list of pupil responses listed under pupil impact.
They should also highlight aspects of the lesson they feel could be used to
develop their own practice.
A record of this should be kept in order that pairs can
agree if the desired pupil responses were achieved.
At the end of this time period staff pairs will meet to
discuss the extent to which previously agreed impact on
pupil learning had been achieved. During this meeting
staff should review notes from the completed lesson
observation sheets. Staff should also agree what, if any,
obvious next steps are apparent from their mutual
experience and discussion.
Staff will judge whether to shift the focus if the desired
pupil responses are evident. Pairs of staff with different
initial foci can swap to accelerate the process for
Sharing of Good Practice
Encourage the dissemination of good
practice through the operation of a Trusted
Colleague Network.
Departments to identify one or more active
learning strategies as a focus.
Teachers can nominate a colleague from
within their department to observe their
The nominated teacher does not have to
be the HOD.
The HOD can also nominate a
departmental colleague to observe his/her
The HOD will keep a record of who has
been observed and by whom.
Observations to be completed by 16th December
Teachers will share their observations of the
Teaching Strategy, not the teachers, in the
departmental meeting on 23rd January 2014.
Where the observer is not the line manager of
the teacher being observed, the very fact of the
observation is sufficient to fulfil the objective.