Academic Orientation Bruce Duggan Nicholas Greco We will now reveal the secret to a happy life: Speak up! Can it really be so simple? Yes indeed! get good marks 2. launch your career 3. have happy relationships 1. Can it really be so simple? Yes indeed! 1. get good marks profs notice you remember stuff you’re rehearsing for exams Can it really be so simple? Yes indeed! get good marks 2. launch your career 1. building habits rehearsing a crucial skill gets you noticed gets you promoted Can it really be so simple? Yes indeed! get good marks 2. launch your career 3. have happy relationships 1. hearing others and being heard integration reason is valuable getting taken seriously Discussion = Learning different voices chance to talk ideas out refine ideas through discussion see someone else’s view point realise our own blinders How to Speak Up? advice for… The Shy 2. The Insecure 3. The Nodder 4. The OhOhOhOh-er 1. How? advice for… 1. The Shy write down 3 questions before class ask at least one How? advice for… The Shy 2. The Insecure 1. ask a “stupid” question How? advice for… The Shy 2. The Insecure 3. The Nodder 1. before class find something you disagree with say why How? advice for… The Shy 2. The Insecure 3. The Nodder 4. The OhOhOhOh-er 1. choose what to talk about wait for at least 2 others to say something reference a peer’s point How to Talk to a Prof What kind of relationship is this? a friendly relationship without being “friends” How to Talk to a Prof in-person forms of address open door appointments electronic communications forms of address actual sentences spelling/grammar/punctuation Group Work think of it • • • as medicine as skill as play Group Work How to avoid pitfalls: • • • know your task be gently honest pull your weight So what is the secret to a happy life? Speak up!