The Wonderful World of Organization Development

DC EAPA Chapter
October 21, 2010
Presented by Becky Choi and Shirley Gross
Show of Hands:
◦ EAP?
◦ Psychologists?
◦ Therapists?
◦ OD professionals?
◦ From private industry?
◦ From government?
◦ From non-profit?
◦ Other?
Who is familiar with OD?
Planned organization-wide effort to
increase an organization’s effectiveness and
A long range effort to improve an
organization's problem solving and renewal
processes, particularly through more
effective and collaborative management of
organizational culture.
A response to change.
A complex organizational strategy intended
to change the beliefs, attitudes, values and
structures of an organization so they can
better adapt to new technologies,
marketing, and challenges, and the dizzying
effect of change itself.
OD is a particular kind of change process
designed to bring about a particular kind of
end result.
OD can involve interventions in the
organization's processes, using behavioral
science knowledge, organizational
reflection, system improvement, planning,
and self-analysis.
OD includes new and emerging fields of
study such as systems thinking, leadership
studies, organizational leadership, and
organizational learning whose perspectives
are steeped in the behavioral sciences as
well as multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches.
is the concept of organization, defined as
two or more people working together
toward one or more shared goal(s).
The development in OD is the notion that
an organization may become more effective
over time at achieving its goals.
Anything done to better an organization
The training function of the organization
Human resources function of an
Business advice
When is OD appropriate?
In small groups discuss the following:
What are you hearing and seeing that makes
you think that something more, like an OD
intervention, is needed?
Be curious and ask questions when
presented with an issue.
Seek to understand the presenter’s view not
what you assume to be their view.
Listen carefully - don’t offer to solve things.
Raise awareness and provide resources.
What does that mean?
What have you observed?
What have you tried?
What is your role in this issue?
What outcome would you like?
What are you seeing and/or hearing that makes
you think that is needed?
Are there patterns of behavior and/or does the
same thing happen again and again?
What’s not going the way you want it to?
What is working well?
What is stopping that from happening more?
Leadership development
Team development
OD is an on-going experiential process of
intentional steps. (See OD Map)
Data Gathering – questions/interviews;
Assessments (individual and group) – 360’s,
Ladder of Inference (See Handout)
New Leader Transition Process
Team Development – facilitated meetings
with simulations and/or working with the
client’s own information
Leadership Development – individual and
group coaching
Listens to feelings as clues for how to
get the client into action and leads the
client to an action step
Typically directs the client to return to
Listens for feelings as symptoms of
underlying dysfunction and follows the
client on any valid exploration of their
Often directs the client to go deeper into
Helps client get clear on their own values Helps client correct cognitive disorders in
and align their actions to them
order to change their behavior
Encourages and requests proactive
Counsels on becoming less reactive
Focused on learning and developing
Focused on healing and restoring
Main tools include data gathering,
inquiry, curiosity, goal-setting, and
strategic planning
Main tools include listening, reflecting,
confrontation, and interpretation
Other tools depend on consultant’s
Other tools depend on therapist’s training,
training and expertise, e.g., Myers Briggs, e.g. EMDR, sand tray, or hypnosis
360 feedback, appreciative inquiry,
journaling, etc.
Deals mainly with external issues; looks
for external solutions to internal blocks
Deals mainly with internal issues; looks
for internal resolution
*Adapted from Madelyn Griffith-Haynie, Optimal Functioning Institute.
Relationship & Structure
Alliance designed jointly by consultant
and client
Nature of alliance largely designed by
Discourages transference as inappropriate Encourages transference as a way of
objectifying issues to be explored
Sessions may be in person or by telephone Sessions conducted face-to-face
Sometimes deductible as a business
Often reimbursed or deductible as a
medical expense
OD (often uses process consulting)
Management (may be the same as OD)
Ask people you know and trust for
Contact CBODN for a list of consultants.
Interview two or three consultants to
determine his/her expertise in the area
needed as well as fit for the client and
Get client references.
Any OD consultant you know and trust
Chesapeake Bay Organization Development
Network (CBODN)
OD Network (ODN)
Becky and Shirley
Organizational Consulting and Change Leadership
7 month program – follows the phases of
Meets 3 days per month (4 days the first month)
Provides supervised experience with a real client
Begins: January 2011
Tuition: $6995.00
Shirley Gross - Starr Group
Becky Choi – groupforward, LLC