QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 3 Lessons from the book MABADE” ALA’RABIYAH – basics of Arabic Grammar RASHEED SHARTOONI 10-12 Derivable / Non Derivable Nouns are categorized into two categories: 1. Concrete (JAMID )جامدwhich is a not derived from any other word (it is the origin) , and is divided in to two types: a. Noun of Self (Zaat-genus) ذاتit is not derived from a verb cannot be derived from it • Rajolon رجل- Man • Nahar نهر- River b. Abstract noun or an Infinitive (Masdar) مصدر, it is an action but without time (derived from a verb-a noun without time) , it can be divided into: – Three Lettered – Four Lettered – Five and Six Lettered 2.Derived –These are derived words from other word such as from the Abstract Concrete or MASDAR, and this could be SIFAH (صفةdescription) or MAWSOOF (موصوفdescribed one) MOHAMMAD ALHAAMID = MOHAMMAD the praiser (one who praises) Is Derived from the MADSAR HAMDAN (a praise), HAMADA (past tense –he praised) HAMDAN (MASDAR-a praise) , that means He praised a praise 10-12 Derivable / Non Derivable • The derived noun can be dualed or pluralized , minimized or suffixed with relative YAA. • مدني, مدينة,مدن, مدينتان, مدينة • City (MADENA), two cities (MADEENATAAN), cities (MODON), small city (MODAYNA), the one from the city (MADANYE) 10-12 Non Derivable are divide into the following six types: غير متصرف اسم االستفهام interrogative noun أمثلة منwho اسم الشرط Conditional noun مهما what ever الضمائر pronoun هو ،أنت ،هي ،هن ...الخ . األسماء الموصولة Relative noun مريم ،واللذان شاركا في التي سافرت ُ صبَ َر . ج َ من َ ح َ السباق أخوان ،ونَ َ أسماء اإلشارة Demonstrative noun هذه بضاعة ،. م. هذا ظُل ٌ الظرف بين 12-Masdar / Derivable Nouns Abstract Infinitive (Masdar) or Derivable– They are the infinitive of the word. They are called abstract because they are defined as the basic form of the verb without tense. 1. A noun without time. It is the root of the verb. 2. Adal ( َعد ٌلjustice) Example of Derived from Infinitive QIYAAM (the standing): Qaama -stood قام, Yaqoom –standing يقوم, Qom -stand up (All Derivable for Standing) قم 12-Types of Masdar Type of Masdar with respect to the verb derived from it 1.Tri-Lettered Verb 2.Four Letter 3.Five and Six Letter Verb Types of Masdar Tri-Lettered Verb - There are 5 Forms that are most known 1. Profession -Fe Aa Lah فِعالة- SINAA’AH – Industry, TIJAARAH business, ZIRAAH agriculture 2. Disturbance-Fa Alaan َف َعالن- GHALYAAN – Boiling 3. Color-FuAlah فُعلة- KHODHRAH / HUMRAH 4. Disease or Sound -FuAal فُعال BUKAA’A (Cry) ZUKAAM (Common Cold) 5. Resistance to an action-FeAaLon عال ِ َف E’ETABOON (Blame), E’QAAB (punishment) Types of Masdar Tri-Lettered Verb – Other forms 1. Fa’lun فعل Sam’Aun (سمعhearing) 2. Dharbun (ضربA Hit) 3. Mun’aun (منعProhibition)