Analyzing Charater

Follow the directions for maximum credit on WTJ #16.
WTJ #16: Plot and "One of these Days"
Read, reread, reread and annotate "One of These Days" by Gabriel
Garcia Marquez for Tuesday. No late work!!
1. Study the powerpoint about PLOT.
2. Follow the directions for writing within the power point. WTJ
3. Map out the plot of this story on WTJ #16.
Analyzing Plot lesson on power point
4. Next, write an intelligent theme statement about this story.
Be prepared to share in your work in class Tuesday. No late work.
Students will study elements of plot in a short
story, analyzing the effect of the elements
and connecting plot to theme.
On your WTJ PWB2 document, create an entry
called WTJ #16 PLOT: “One of These Days”
Follow the instructions carefully for the next
steps and completion of WTJ #16.
1. Write the names of some movies that YOU
know well. 3-5
2. Choose one. Name it. Write a sentence that
tells what the movie is about WITHOUT
– not the characters, not the setting, not the
conflict, not the climax, not the ending –
Topic + what the author’s message is about that
topic = theme statement
Check your statement.
Plot: The simple definition
For our literary analysis purposes,
there’s much more to plot than that………
Arrangement and interrelation of events,
chosen and designed to engage the
reader’s attention and interest (or even to
arouse suspense or anxiety) while also
providing a framework for the exposition of
the author’s message, or theme, and for
other elements such as characterization,
symbol, and conflict.
To say that “the king died and the queen
died” is to relate a story. Adding three
simple words, “The king died and then the
queen died of grief” transforms the story
into a plot by including and emphasizing
Exposition Important background information
that introduces the characters, setting, and plot.
 Complication: the onset and development of
the major conflict of opposing forces, involving
major participants (usually a protagonist and
antagonist)- an inciting incident
 Role of Conflict: A central, often defining, role
in plot; sets the plot in motion
Rising Action The point during which
the conflict becomes more intense and
suspense builds.
Crisis/Climax The turning point in the
plot during which the outcome of the
conflict becomes clear, usually resulting in
a change in the characters or a solution to
the conflict.
Falling Action Shows the effect of the
climax when the suspense is over but the
decisions or actions that caused the
climax are not fully worked out.
Resolution/Dénouement (day-noo-mah)
Often blends with the falling action,
revealing the final outcome of events and
tying up the loose ends.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez (b. 1928,
Columbia – still alive though a Twitter
rumor had him dead last year)
Nobel Prize for Literature 1982
Journalist, novelist, short story writer,
screenplay writer
One Hundred Years of Solitude; Love in
the Time of Cholera
The link for the story is on my website. When
you open it, copy and paste the text into a
Google doc. Now, you can annotate it using
whatever tools you wish (commenting,
highlighting, etc.).
 Save it in your AP Lit folder and name it “One of
These Days.” Do steps 1-3 on this Google doc.
 See the next slides for generic comments on
Annotating is the act of taking notes within the text (marginal or post it
notes) as you read. It involves marking the text with substantive
commentary regarding the author’s content and/or style.
When completing an annotation, it is helpful if there is a clear purpose to
the annotations reflective of the goals of the reading. (Nevertheless, at
times, you will be asked to annotate just to see what you see, notice
what you notice, observe what you observe.............)
Annotation should not be limited to identifying an element; annotation
should explain the significance of the technique or element and its
contribution to the reading's focus and/or meaning.
For "One of These Days," annotate for the elements of plot
with an effort to consider the significance/effect of the
author's use of those elements. Also, consider how the plot
contributes to meaning.
Read, reread and mark up the text.
Make it "beautifully ugly" by circling, underlining,
highlighting and commenting on what you notice.
 Jot a few explanatory words for everything you mark.
Chart out the plot of this story.
 Name and discuss in writing the Exposition,
Rising Action, Crisis/Climax, Falling Action,
No matter what element you are
discussing, most prompts will ask you to
connect the element(s) to meaning.
Think about the themes in this story.
What is this story about? DO NOT SAY
answering this question. This should
become a theme statement.
 Topic + what the author’s message is about
that topic = theme statement
Be prepared:
 Discussion with consideration of the author’s
choices related to plot and their effects.
 Annotation check.
 Plot mapping.
 Theme statement.