
Corporate Procurement
Lyn Hitchinson
Procurement Manager
Council Re-structure
• The Council is in the middle of large
transformation programme.
• The Directorates have been re-organised into
the following responsibilities:
– Chief Executive – Mary Harpley
– Children’s and Adults – Sherry Malik
– Regeneration, Economic Development and
Environment – Brendon Walsh
– Corporate Resources – Anthony Kemp
Supply Chain Management (1)
The re-structure, involving the centralisation of the
Corporate Resources directorate introduces Supply
Chain Management. This combines the functions of
Procurement and Contract Management into the one
You may be dealing with different individuals within the
Council in the future as these changes take place.
Procurement is not just about buying something, it is the
research of the requirement, understanding the market
place, running a procurement exercise, putting a contract
in place and the management of that contract thereafter.
Supply Chain Management (2)
We are likely to be moving individuals from their contract
management and/or procurement functions within the
departments and moving them into the centralised
Supply Chain Management team.
This will enable us to focus on getting the best out of our
contracts. This will be very much a two way exchange.
Good contract management is not about “beating up” the
What we do in Procurement
• The Corporate Procurement team provides support
and guidance to the department’s commissioners to
– Necessary internal approvals are obtained before
commencement of a tender exercise;
– Procurement Best Practice is followed;
– Compliance of EU Regulations and Internal
– Value for Money is achieved through compliant
procurement exercises.
Adherence to Regulations
Primary Regulations that we must understand and
adhere to:
• EU Regulations; (External link, or via the Council’s
web page)
• The Council’s Tender and Contracts Regulations
2012; (Contained within the Council’s Constitution, via
the Council’s web page)
• The Council’s Finance Regulations; (Contained
within the Council’s Constitution, via the Council’s web
• Other relevant Acts
Annual Procurement Plan (APP) - 1
Published on the Council’s web page – advance
warning of the Council’s requirements.
All procurements greater than £30,000 must be on
the APP.
It is a rolling 12 month view of the Procurements
that the Council may do in the next 12 months, and
defines the level at which this procurement will be
Appendix A – Director only
Appendix B – Director and Lead Member
Appendix C – Full Cabinet
Annual Procurement Plan (APP) - 2
Approved by Cabinet, and updated and amended
on a quarterly basis. At this point we are not
saying we will do the procurement.
Departments still need to obtain the necessary
approval to commence a procurement.
What we must do for total spend less than £5,000
• Does not need to be on the Annual Procurement
Plan (APP);
• Must obtain Authority to Commence, (Director or
someone with delegated authority);
• No Competition required, but Responsible Officer is
required to ensure best value;
• Must obtain Authority to Award, (Director or someone
with delegated authority);
• A contract must be in place between the parties.
What we must do for total spend £5,000 to £30,000
• MUST be on the Annual Procurement Plan (APP);
• Must obtain Authority to Commence, (Director or
someone with delegated authority);
• Competition is required, must obtain at least three
written quotes;
• Must obtain Authority to Award, (Director or someone
with delegated authority);
• A contract must be in place between the parties.
What we must do for total spend £30,000 to £173,934
• MUST be on the Annual Procurement Plan (APP);
• Must obtain Authority to Commence, (at the level set
by the APP, A, B or C);
• Competition is required;
• MUST advertise on the Council’s website and
• Must obtain Authority to Award, (at the level set by the
APP, A, B or C);
• A contract must be in place between the parties.
What we must do for total spend over £173,934
• MUST be on the Annual Procurement Plan (APP);
• Must obtain Authority to Commence, (at the level set
by the APP, A, B or C);
• Competition is required;
• Tender conducted in accordance with EU
• MUST advertise on the Council’s website and OJEU
(Official Journal European Union);
• Must obtain Authority to Award, (at the level set by the
APP, A, B or C);
• A contract must be in place between the parties.
Responding to ITT’s
Responding to PQQ’s/ITT’s
• Please read the instructions carefully, particularly
with regards to dates, and content format.
• Late is late – Late PQQ’s and ITT’s will not accepted,
return your bid early.
• Use the clarification period to understand the
Council’s requirements.
• Answer ALL questions honestly, don’t assume the
answer we are expecting, or the weighting placed
upon it.
Evaluating PQQ’s and ITT’s (1)
• The scores and weightings for all questions will be published.
• There are no sub-criteria.
• This will enable you to focus your attention on the key
requirements of the bid.
• Scoring used:
Very weak – almost completely unacceptable
Weak – well below expectations
Poor – below expectations
Slightly Below expectations
Meet expectations
Slightly exceeds expectations
Good – above expectations
Very good – well above expectations
Evaluating PQQ’s and ITT’s (2)
• Successful and unsuccessful letters will be sent to
all evaluated bids.
– These will contain your scores for quality and price.
– The strengths and weaknesses of your bid against
the winning bidder.
• Hounslow is happy to provide additional feedback to
help you understand how you can win future
Contacting Procurement
• Procurement Mail Box
• Children’s and Adults
– Lyn Hitchinson – 020 8583 5942
• Regeneration, Economic Development and Environment
– Rani Jassar – 020 8583 6468
• Corporate Resources
– Andy Gray – 020 8583 5770
Contacting Procurement
• The Council’s Constitution which includes the Council’s
Tender and Contracts Regulations and Finance Regulations.