
Organization, tool and/or project logos
Tool or Project Title
Lead organization
POC name and e-mail
URL for more detail
©2009, Materials are the copyright of the individual contributors and organizations they belong to. Use on the OpenVCE.net public web site and
online facilities for open access is approved. Other permitted use of the materials is not implied.
• Description
• 4x3 ratio, 1024x768 size
• Plan screen shots or graphics
• Keep it relevant to USERS of
the tool in the PMESII analysis
and Whole of Society Crises
Response Community
• Not all users are military
• NGOs and academics too
• Unclassified and openly
• Permission to use and copy in
public forums
• In Second Life this will be
displayed at 1024x1024
resolution on a board that will fit
into an 8mx8m wall area
• Top panel: 1024x256 Logos,
Titles, etc
• Main panel: 1024x768 Poster
• Click to Open URL
• Quicktime compatible (hinted
for streaming) video and audio
can be used instead – as can a
real time video link up for
events and demos.
Background: WoSCR Expo Pavilion
PMESII Tools Exhibition
We plan to set up a display of information about COMPOEX and related PMESII tools and methods in
the new "Whole of Society Crises Response" (WoSCR) community 3D collaboration space in Second
Life. We are planning an "Expo pavilion" that will be alongside the area where the first workshops will
be run for the community in the Virtual Collaboration Environment which comprises a collaborative
networking web site and a 3D region in Second Life (and later other virtual worlds). See
http://openvce.net for background.
Part of the aim of the expo element of this work was to begin to engage with the tool providers, find
ways to catalogue and link to their resources in novel ways, and link them up to the subject matter and
crisis response communities. The concept is provide an expo "booth" or display for each project
(8mx8mx8m area), work element or tool that we could identify from the IBC, COMPOEX and related
To get this started, AIAI at the University of Edinburgh will assist by creating the initial in-world Expo
Pavilion booth contents, if we can obtain the reagent information from the projects a number of projects
to get this started. We have 16 spaces of 8mx8mx8m available in the Expo Pavilion as currently
configured. The information sought is described on the 2 slide Powerpoint template.
a) Project/Tool Title
b) Lead organisation and POC (name and e-mail)
c) ONE slide with easily read at a distance information about the work
d) URL for more information
Ideally, we want to engage with the providers to attract their interest and involvement, and possibly
involve them or their colleagues later in WoSCR community workshops or events.. perhaps through this
Expo area and a tour of it by workshop attendees.