ICT and Organization

Abdalla A. Shaame
Organizations through the developed world use
ICT; ie large and small organization, public and
commercial organization.
They considered the organization needs with these
types of organization, and how organizations are
structured and how ICT meets their various needs.
In addition, they are considering how organization
collect information and how that information flows
within and between organizations.
It looks how developments in ICT system support
different activities or function within organization,
and how these developments effect why and how
organizations present information.
Moreover, the organization focuses on the
effectiveness of ICT in helping organizations to
The information needs of organizations
How organizations, both large, and small, public
and commercial, are structured.
How developments in technology affect how
organizations collect information and how that
information flows within and between
How developments in technology affect how and
why organizations present information.
How ICT systems support different activities or
functions within organizations.
How to evaluate the effectiveness of ICT systems
in helping organizations to achieve their goals.
This mandatory section is centre-assessed
and external moderated.
There are four assessment objectives
 Practical capability in applying ICT
 Knowledge and understanding of ICT
systems and their roles in organizations
and society
 Apply knowledge and understanding to
produce solutions to ICT problems.
 Evaluate ICT solutions and own
The organization must develop portfolio of evidence for
the coverage of the mentioned assessment objectives.
The portfolio of evidence shows what you have learned
and what you can do:
 You will research the purposes of large and small,
public and commercial organizations and their
differing data handling needs.
 Using ICT, you will produce a formal report of your
finding, written for an organization, describing how
one ICT system is used to handle the information
needs of that organization, and how development of
ICT have affected working style in the organization.
 You will evaluate your finished report and your own
performance. This repot will offer you the opportunity
to demonstrate that you have used a proper style
which is appropriate for portfolio produced, and will
demonstrate the quality of your written evidence.
Furthermore, the organization must adopt
standards ways of working so as to manage
your work effectively, and show evidence of
what has been done.
The presentation of your portfolio is
important, it include how you present your
portfolio and what you include within it will
determine the maximum number of marks
that you have earned.
You should include evidence to show that you
have carried out research into several types of
ICT system.
Developing countries today face a wide range of
needs, from more secure food supplies to cheap
and effective medicines.
One factor that almost all these needs have in
common is that satisfying them adequately will
not occur without the use of modern science.
These same countries also face a range of
political dilemmas—such as whether to accept
the growing of genetically modified crops or how
to adapt to the impact of climate change—that
also require a knowledge of science.
From both points of view, development can
be characterized as the process of putting
scientific and technical knowledge into
Conversely, it is important that building the
capacity to absorb and make use of scientific
and technical knowledge must be placed at
the heart of the development aid efforts if
these are to be successful in achieving their
But knowledge will not reach those who can
benefit from it unless it has been effectively
communicated to individuals with the power and
skills to put it into practice, whether those are
government officials and decision-makers,
community groups and their representatives, or
even nongovernmental organisations.
Formal education, of course, has a key function
here. But so does the informal education
provided through the media.
Furthermore, ICTs have an important role to play
in this process by reducing or eliminating the
transactional (nonproduction) costs of
communicating knowledge about science and
At the same time, it is important that the
practice of science communication reflects
the fact that it takes place in social context.
In other words, it is not just a question of
conveying information, but also of engaging
the potential users of that information.
The need is to encourage dialogue and
eventually to empower those to whom the
information is being provided so that this
information can be applied in a practical and
useful way.