
One Evening
One Evening Edward ,an 82 year old man, was playing his grand
piano in the attic. He was an amazing pianist and practiced every
day. The tune he was playing completely absorbed him bringing
back old memories. He seemed to be going through a timeline of
his life…
His Wife
I will all
ways be
with you.
Suddenly his wife was sitting there with him playing the piano with
him- but she was dead. She leant over and kissed him on the
cheek. Then she just disappeared. So Edward was alone again
at his grand piano…
The War
Edward, my
time is over.
He was in the army, running towards his comrade up ahead. When
he arrived he nodded to Frank to shoot. Frank fell to the floor
(the enemy had been faster)
“No!” Frank ran out to catch his dying friend.
“Goodbye Edward,” croaked Frank, “My time has com-”
Frank’s dead body slumped to the floor…
His Son
Suddenly he remembered that
it was his son’s birthday and
his mind drifted off to the
little wooden horse he had
given his son Charlie. As soon
as he opened it Charlie’s eyes
lit up and he hopped on and
wouldn’t get for ages this
reminded Edward of
something else…
Passed down
That horse had been given to his grandson James now. What is
more James liked it as much as his father. That wooden horse
was still with his grand son and would probably be given to his
His Grandson
Suddenly his grand son came riding towards him on the wooden
horse. He came up to Edward and sat down with him. Edward
asked “Do you want a go?”
“Yes please,” Replied James, “Will you teach me?”
“Of course,” answered Edward.
Thank you for watching
The Piano story line By Jack
Thank you Aidan Gibbons for making The