Late Middle Ages

Late Middle Ages - Part I: The Beginning of the Hundred Years War, The Avignon Papacy, The
Golden Bull, & The Black Death (Circa 1250 – 1390)
o Phillip III “The Bold”
 r. 1270-1285
o Phillip IV “The Fair”
 r. 1285-1314
 Government divisions
 Council of Advice
 Chamber of Accounts
 Parlement
 Estates-General
 Knights Templar
 Jews
France & the Church
o Pope Boniface VIII
 r. 1294-1303
 Unam Sanctum
 Anagi, Italy
 Assault / Kidnapping
o Pope Benedict XI
 r. 1303-1304
o Pope Clement V
 r. 1305-1313
o The Avignon Papacy (1309-1376)
 Avignon, France
 “The Babylonian Captivity”
o Henry III “Winchester”
 r. 1216-1272
o Edward I “Longshanks”
 r. 1272-1307
 Conflicts
 Wales
 Scotland
o William Wallace
o Robert the Bruce (Robert I of Scotland)
Parliament – 1295
 House of Lords
 House of Commons
England & France – Prelude to the Hundred Years War
o Treaty of Paris – 1259
 Gascony & Aquitaine
o War in 1293
o Treaty of Paris – 1303
 Edward II of England & Isabella of France
 Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377)
o End of Capetian Dynasty (Primary Branch)
 Charles IV of France
 Phillip VI of France
 r. 1328-1350
 Valois Dynasty
o Public Opinion / Propaganda
o Where?
 France and the Low countries
 Coastal England
 Scottish Incursions
“The Hundred Years War”
o Edwardian War
 1337–1360
o Caroline War
 1369–1389
o Lancastrian War
 1415–1453
HYW - The Edwardian War (1337–1360)
o Battle of Crecy - 1346
 English Longbow
o Cannon
o Edward, The Black Prince
o Battle of Poitiers - 1356
 Ransom French King
o John II of France (r. 1350-1364)
o Peace of Bretigny
o John II of France
 (r. 1350-1364)
o Ransom
HYW - Caroline War
o 1369–1389
o Charles V of France
 (r. 1364-1380)
o Charles VI of France
 (r. 1368-1422)
o Richard II of England
 (r. 1377-1399)
Parliament of Edward III
o The Parliamentary Statute of 1341
Holy Roman Empire
o Golden Bull - 1356
 Charles IV
o Electors:
 Count of Palatine
 Duke of Saxony
 Margrave of Brandenburg
 King of Bohemia
 Archbishop of Mainz
 Archbishop of Trier
 Archbishop of Cologne
Climate Crises
o The Little Ice Age
 Circa 1300-1450
o The Great Famine
 1315-1322
The Black Death
o Most massive epidemic on record
o Bubonic Plague
 bacillus Yersinia pestis
 Afflicts rats, carried by fleas
o Symptoms
o 1331 – China
 Mongol Empire
o Black sea - 1340
 Kaffa
o Genoan Traders
o Oct. 1347 - Messina, Sicily
o Spread
o Fighting the Black Death
 Urban Conditions
 Mortality rates
 ⅓ to ¼ of Europe
 Medicine
 “poisons” or “corrupted air”
 Incense
 Sounds
 Cryptograms
 Flight to countryside
 Act of God?
 Clergy
o Effects of the Black Death
 Inflation
 Standard of Living
 Wild Living
 Religious Fervor
 Funerals
 Hospitality
 Universities
 Danse Macabre
 Aestheticism
 The Flagellants
 Anti-Semitism
 Pogroms
Peasant Revolts
o Jacquerie (France)
o English Peasant Revolt -1381