Getting Started: Work Smarter, Not Harder Michele Wackman School Psychologist District #623 S Before you add one more thing…. PBIS Philosophy S Never stop doing what works S Focus on the smallest changes that will produce the largest effects on valued outcomes S Make any initiative adapt to your school culture S Never introduce something new without simultaneously defining what you will stop doing to create the resources for the new effort. Problem/Challenge Whenever a new initiative is introduced to a school, district/region, or state, the general approach is to “form a team/committee” to develop a plan for implementation. Although this initiative might be a worthwhile, implementation efforts often struggle because of a number of challenges: S S S S S Few resources, staff, time, etc. Duplication of effort with other initiatives and efforts Lack of clarity regarding purpose and outcomes Lack of priority Etc. Working Smarter (Not Harder) S Allows schools to identify the multiple committees within their school S Helps in identifying purposes, outcomes, target groups, and staff S Assists schools in addressing, evaluating, and restructuring committees and initiatives to address school improvement plan S Important for schools to identify that school-wide PBIS is integrated into existing committees and initiatives Prioritizing and Integrating Initiatives: Work Smarter Appendix B – Pages 15- 21 Sample Teaming Matrix Initiative, Committee Purpose Outcome Target Group Staff Involved SIP/SID Attendance Committee Increase attendance Increase % of students attending daily All students Eric, Ellen, Marlee Goal #2 Character Education Improve character Improve character All students Marlee, J.S., Ellen Goal #3 Safety Committee Improve safety Predictable response to threat/crisis Dangerous students Has not met Goal #3 School Spirit Committee Enhance school spirit Improve morale All students Has not met Discipline Committee Improve behavior Decrease office referrals Bullies, antisocial students, repeat offenders Ellen, Eric, Marlee, Otis DARE Committee Prevent drug use High/at-risk drug users Don EBS Work Group Implement 3-tier model All students Eric, Ellen, Marlee, Otis, Emma Decrease office referrals, increase attendance, enhance academic engagement, improve grades Goal #3 Goal #2 Goal #3 Working Smarter Initiative, Purpose Outcome Target Project, Group Committee Attendance Committee Character Education Staff Involved SIP/SID etc 1. Eliminate all initiatives that do NOT have a defined purpose and outcome measure. Safety Committee 2. Combine initiatives that have the same outcome measure and same target group School Spirit Committee 3. Combine initiatives that have 75% of the same staff Discipline Committee 4. Eliminate initiatives that are not tied to School Improvement Goals. DARE Committee EBS Work Group Working Smarter- Systems / Staff Support Workgroup/ Committee/ Team Outcome/ Link to SIP Who do we serve? What is the ticket in? Names of Staff Nonnegotiable District Mandate? How do we measure impact? Overlap? Modify? Attendance Committee students Junebug, Leo, Tom yes Attendance records Yes fold to SW PBIS SW PBS Team Students staff Ben, Tom, Lou no Office Referrals Attend, MIR, Nursing log ,climate Yes continue Safety Committee Students staff Toni, Barb, Tom no Office Referrals BIG 5, climate Yes fold into SW PBIS School Spirit Committee students Tom no No Yes fold into SW PBIS Discipline Committee students Tom, Lou no Office Referrals Yes fold into SW PBIS Student Support Team/Problem Solving Team students Steve, Sue,Jon, Tom yes Discipline, DIBELS, FACTS… No continue School Improvement 1,2,3 Bill, Jon, Lou, Tom yes All of the above Yes continue Manual—Appendix B Committee/Group/Self Assessment & Planning Section p.18,21 Workgroup/ Committee/ Team Outcome /Link to SIP Who do we serve? (students/staff/both) Names of staff on team NonNegotiable District Mandate? How do we measure impact? Overlap? Modify? Activity #1 Step 1: Team Membership (cont) Step 1: Identify Current Teams (discipline, instruction, climate, school improvement, parent support etc) Step 2: Complete the Working Smarter matrix Step 3: Based on your results, what committees can you: (a) eliminate? (b) combine? (c) provide more support? (d) how can we infuse PBIS into our committees? Manual—pg. 18, 21—Appendix B Step 2: Develop Brief Statement of Behavior Purpose STEP 2 – Develop Behavior Purpose Statement 1. Positively stated 2. 2-3 sentences in length 3. Supportive of academic achievement 4. Contextually/culturally appropriate (e.g., age, level, language) 5. Comprehensive in scope (school-wide – ALL students, staff, and settings) 6. Agreement by >80% faculty and staff 7. Communicated to stakeholders (e.g., families, community members, district administrators) 8. Included in school publications (e.g., handbook, posters, newsletters) Manual—pg. 50 Sample Behavior Statements Ex. 1 Ex. 2 G. Ikuma School is a community of learners and teachers. We are here to learn, grow, and become good citizens. At Abrigato School, we treat each other with respect, take responsibility for our learning, and strive for a safe and positive school for all! Central Park At Central Park, we are honest, responsible, respectful and safe. We are here to learn, so we will be responsible for our own learning. We will strive to be the best we can be, so that everyone in the school community can learn. Activity #2 STEP 2: Statement of Behavior Purpose Step 1: Develop your brief statement of behavior purpose. Step 2: How will you involve staff in this work? Step 3: Be prepared to report out Behavior Purpose DRAFT Manual—pg. 50-51 Activity –Complete Steps #1 and #2 Step 1: Team Membership (cont) Step 1: Identify Current Teams (discipline, instruction, climate, school improvement, parent support etc) Step 2: Complete the Working Smarter matrix Step 3: Based on your results, what committees can you: (a) eliminate? (b) combine? (c) provide more support? (d) how can we infuse PBIS into our committees? Manual—pg. 18, 21—Appendix B STEP 2: Statement of Behavior Purpose Step 1: Develop your brief statement of behavior purpose. Step 2: How will you involve staff in this work? Step 3: Be prepared to report out Behavior Purpose DRAFT Manual—pg. 50-51