
What you talk 'in bout?
For instance, AT&T decided to get into the Radio business in
1922. They used the station WEAF and its affiliates as an
experimental platform to test new products it was developing.
It developed an early networking scheme where several of it’s
stations could share programming between each other over
the telephone lines. RCA, which also owned several radio
stations wanted to do the same thing but had to lease
telegraph lines from Western Union because AT&T would not
let anyone else use their telephone lines. AT&T decided to get
out of the radio business and sold their stations to RCA with
the rights to use AT&T’s telephone lines for $1 million. RCA
consolidated all of their station’s into one large network which
became NBC on November 15, 1926.
Because telephone and the telephone network became a
became a national monopoly, the phone lines should remain
a neutral entity which are available for everyone.
Many other utilities fall into this same category such as Gas
Electric companies
Internet User’s should have unrestricted access
to the best Internet content and services
Net Neutrality is the guiding principle
that preserves the free and open
Internet. It guarantees a level playing
field for all Web sites and Internet
Net Neutrality means no
Net Neutrality prevents Internet providers from blocking, speeding up or
slowing down Web content based on its source, ownership or destination.
Internet access is becoming so necessary in people’s everyday lives that it
should be considered a utility just like water and sewer.
Many internet application companies
support net neutrality such as Yahoo!,
Vonage, Ebay, Amazon and Microsoft
Individuals who support net neutrality
Tim Berners-Lee - a British engineer, computer scientist and MIT professor credited with inventing the World Wide Web.
Vinton Cerf - an American computer scientist who is recognized as one of the fathers of the internet, sharing this title with
American computer scientist Bob Kahn.
Lawrence Lessig- an American academic and political activist best known as a proponent of reduced legal restrictions on
copyright, trademark, and radio frequency spectrum.
Steve Wozniak – an American computer engineer who co-founded Apple Computer, Inc.
President Barack Obama – President of the United States.
Internet Providers want to control how much you
will pay, how fast your connection will work, even
what you’ll be able to do on the internet.
Verizon, Google and AT&T want to be able
to prioritize different data streams and charge
different rates for different services.
Big providers want the same rules that apply to
Wireline services also apply to Wireless services.
Can the Big providers be trusted to provide fair
service to everyone or will it just be a matter of
how much money they can make?
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) thinks they should write
and enforce rules about how the Internet should work.
The Federal Courts say the FCC has no legal basis for regulating the Internet.
Comcast was accused by the FCC of illegally restricting competitive content but
when the FCC tried to penalize the company, the Federal Court stepped in and
told the FCC they didn’t the Authority.
The FCC has been criticized for dealing with the big internet providers
using them for ideas on how the internet should be controlled. The
FCC says they are just looking for ideas from everyone.
Congress recently tried to pass legislation to help protect the
internet but the measure was killed in committee.
Congressional sentiments tend to run along party lines. The Republicans are
for Big Corporations and their ability to make money. The Democrats are for
governmental rules and regulations to make sure the internet remains open.
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international
community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned
with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the
Internet. It is open to any interested individual.
The IETF is a highly respected international group that tries to set policy
governing the internet but doesn’t get involved in politics or law.;editorPicks;editorPicks#ixzz0yggux41h;2n;search-results-rivers;search-results-rivers