Aim: Was Napoleon true to the goals of the French Revolution?

Aim: Was Napoleon true to the goals
of the French Revolution?
Do Now: Are there any benefits to having a
dictator? What are they?
Homework: Handout – “Was Napoleon True to the Goals of the
French Revolution”
• Examine these pictures for a minute. Write down the
similarities and differences between picture 1 and 2.
Napoleon’s Rise to Power
• Napoleon rose through the ranks and won
important victories against the France’s
enemies. Napoleon helped overthrow the
Directory in a coup d’ etat or revolt by
military force. He put himself in charge of
the government and later crowned himself
Emperor. The French people hoping for
stability, supported Napoleon taking charge.
Napoleon’s Achievements
• Economy – Napoleon controlled prices, supported
new industry and built roads
• Education – Napoleon created a public school
• Napoleonic Code – The Napoleonic Code was a
legal code that included many Enlightenment
ideas, such as the legal equality of citizens and
religious toleration.
• Discussion: What other law codes have we
learned about?
Napoleon’s Empire
• From 1804 to 1814, Napoleon ruled an
empire that controlled much of Europe.
• Britain was safe because it was an island
and had a strong navy. The Russians
believed their countries large size and
harsh weather would protect them.
• The British Royal Navy blockaded French
ports. The British also destroyed
Napoleon’s navy at the Battle of Trafalgar.
What two major
European countries
were not defeated by
Napoleon? Why?
Napoleon’s Fall
• People in most conquered countries looked at
Napoleon’s armies as oppressors. Inspired by
nationalism people revolted against French
• In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia. As the
Russians retreated they practiced a scorched
earth policy in which they burned crops and
villages. Most of Napoleons army was
destroyed during the Russian winter as they
Why is it a bad idea to
invade Russia? If you had
to do it what would you do
to avoid the fate of
Napoleon’s army?
Napoleons Last Stand
• A year after Napoleons defeat in Russia,
an alliance of Russia, Britain, Austria, and
Prussia defeated Napoleon in 1814.
Napoleon returned to power in 1815, but
the British and Prussians defeated him at
the decisive Battle of Waterloo.
• Why do you think the French people
welcomed Napoleon back in 1815?
The French people supported Napoleon
Bonaparte because they hoped he would
1. adopt the ideas of the Protestant
2. restore Louis XVI to power
3. provide stability for the nation
4. end British control of France
• Correct Answer Number: 3
• Explanation: The French people hoped
that a strong leader like Napoleon would
be able to stop the turmoil that had
engulfed the country since the start of the
• Plan an invasion of Russia
– How many men will you bring. You have one million
people in the French Army, but remember you already
control most of Europe and must use a large portion of
your army to be successful.
– What supplies will they need? Will you bring your own
food or live off the land?
– What will be your tactics during the invasion. Which
parts of Russia will focus your attack (cities, regions) Will
you divide your force or keep it together?
– When will you attack? (Early Spring, Late Fall…)
– What other items will you bring with you?
Why is it a bad idea to
invade Russia? If you had
to do it what would you do
to avoid the fate of
Napoleon’s army?