School ERP Software e-School Admissions | Fee | Transport Accounts | Exams || Library | Certificates M.I.S. | Stock | C.R.M. | Grading (A 2 Z) FEES MANAGEMENT • As we know, Fee Collection is the primary source of every school for growth and to meet financial needs • In a School, there are number of students in different classes coming from various locations. • Fee has to be collected from students under different heads e.g. “Admission Fee”, “Tuition Fee”, “Development Fund” etc. • Transport Charges are charged as per location (Route). • Some Students are given relaxation in their fee (Concession). • In manual working, to maintain there fee records is very much complicated, prone to errors and time consuming process. e- School Software does not save only your valuable time, but helps in growth and development of your organization e-School Software Generates very valuable and forecasting reports like – Fees Due List, – Demand Register, – Defaulters List, – Class Wise Fees – Collection Summary, – Head Wise Summary, – Fees Card, – Fees Receipts Register and much more. Which are not possible otherwise to generate manually e-School: Informative: Eye Catching Look Maintain Complete Admission Record of Students along with Photo Address Book: Fast Search: Advance Filter Technology Find any record by Name, Adm. No, etc Print Identity Cards Sort Students by any field Wish birthday to Students this month Easy to maintain and Search Birthday’s of Students CREATE FEES HEADING: Set Frequency Configure Account Head to post Fees In FA Select Months In Which fees becomes due Configure Your fees headings & Select Months when it becomes due towards student Design Your Fees Structure Yourself : In 10 Minutes Select Classes and categories Very Flexible : Easy To Implement : Simple to understand Flexible Fees Concession Setting Define Concession in % or Amt for Particular Fees Head No Need to remember concession for each student Maintain Route Wise Transportation Automatically Picks Fees for particular Route Fees Receipt: Very Fast : Customizable Intelligently Finds How much fees is due towards students for selected months Fees Collection is the Primary Income Source of School Self Customizable Print Your Slip on Fees Slip Any Paper Size Format Use Colors, Fonts Logos, Lines Beautify your Slip Design Print Two Slips Side By Side Fees Register: Information at your Finger Tips Customizable Search; Export To Excel, Word, HTML etc. Generate Head Wise Fees Summary Accurate fees collected Under Different Heads From All Classes Advance Forecasting Reports Multi Search Options To Generate Fees Dues Report. Accurate Cross-Checking Demand Register to Meet Better Financial Decisions in future Generate Electronic Fees Card: Avoid Confusion Watch Fees Receipts from student at Multiple angles @ 360 degree view Generate Balance Fees Report Never miss an entry; if some balance is due towards student Defaulter List: Increase your Profitability Automatically Detect students who are not paying fees properly Receipt Book: Simple: Handy : Accurate Calculation of receipts with Total Self designed Fees Structure: For every Class Meet every organization needs Crosstab & Intelligent repots Date Wise Fees receipts under different headings Category Wise Fees Details Analysis Save your valuable time Concession Report: Student Wise: Head wise Achieve your targets Maintain Accurate Concession Record Make a good brand image High Security: To Protect Your Valuable Information Self Definable User Rights More Features; More Benefits; More Profit •Maintain record of Admission, Fees Transactions and Route Wise Transport Charges •Very Easy To Implement. •Design Your own Fees Structure •Retain Privacy under high security user rights •No need to learn computers •Wish Birthday to Student as well as parents for better relationships •Increase your profitability and efficiency Library Management was never so easy before Books Entry Maintain Check Accession Register Book Ledger Availability My Library Track Location Watch Book Status Issue / Receive Books My Library | Informative | Simple | Easy Quick Receipt : Simple to mange Financial Accounting No Need to Learn Accounts (Dr.) or (Cr.) Any Rebate Given to customer Just input Customer Name & Receipt Amt No Need to separately Post Journal entry For Discount automatically adjusted Enter Remarks (Notes) for Easy remembering Log Book: Your Business @ 360 Degree Multi angle view of every account is now Log Book See Ledger, Statement, Interest, Daily Balance and nutshell report of any account very Fast Collection becomes so easy with Speed Plus • e-school Software is especially designed for C.C.E. Grading system as per C.B.S.E guidelines. Featuring – C.C.E. Evaluation System, – Formative and Summative Assessment, – Performance Report of Student. • As we know as per C.B.S.E. guidelines, in the new grading system, which is known as “Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation”. In which a student is continually evaluated or judged for his future development by keeping analyzing his current personality. • Every student performs differently in differentdifferent activities. In some activities, he may be very good while in other he may be poor or medium. To keep a watch over every student about his each activity and judge his I.Q. level and then write it down in school records is a very much difficult and energy consuming work for the teachers. • To reduce the workload and increase efficiency of teachers, team solver analyzed the C.C.E. grading system of C.B.S.E. and introduced a software under the name “Evaluator” which means “To Evaluate” or “to assess” the personality of student. Benefits of e-School • Saves teachers time and workload by 90% • Uniformity in maintaining records. • No need to calculate anything manually e.g. percentile, FA1+FA2+SA1 etc. • No need to write all the indicators of students again and again for every student. • All the indicators already entered, teacher just have to tick the student’s indicators and all the calculations will be done automatically. • Teacher can change or modify any student’s particulars on the spot. Flexible Architecture : Design Yourself “The software architect is designed so flexibly in such a way that you can yourself reconfigure it or redesign its structure (body) without any intervention of software company.” Innovative Grading System You can yourself configure grading structure. As in the example above the grading structure for “LIFE SKILLS” Skill: Standards of Talent, Values & Attitude “Skill” is the subset of Student’s talents, behavior, values, competence or attitude; for which we need to specify indicators. Customize Indicators & Grades Yourself Save Your Valuable Time: No Need to Write different indicators for each student again and again Just Tick the appropriate indicators for particular skill sets. Multiple Search Options: Windsor Technology Search On Admission no. Name Class Test Group Skill Indicators Grade Point Value Class incharge Magical Reporting: Suggestive Evaluation Customizable Forms and reports Printouts Calculate and Print Grade Sheet Automatically Automatically Calculates Grade of Selected Student and prints the reports along with indicators Performance sheet displays Student’s Skill set with Total Indicators and grade earned for a particular term. Grade is calculated on the basis of Grading structure defined in the test group Informative & Analytical MIS Reports shows grade and indicators for each skill set and every student in the class Summative & Formative Assessment • For Summative and Formative assessments, you need to configure subjects and its activities. • As we know every class has many subjects, and every subject have many activities. • To assess the performance of every student in class in a particular subject, we calculate in summative assessment. • To evaluate every activity of every subject for each student, We calculate in Formative assessment. • In evaluator, both calculations and data entry is very simple (Just Like Excel). • To achieve fast and accurate results in software; First of all for Formative and summative assessment, we define or create different subjects with their activities Define Subject along with Activities To achieve fast and accurate results in software; for Formative and summative assessment, we define or create different subjects along with their activities Summative Assessment (S.A.) To assess the performance of students in a particular subject. Formative Assessment (F.A.) To evaluate every activity of every subject for each student. Entry Very Fast More Faster than Excel Print Mark Sheet: Cutting Edge Crosstab & Ultimate Reports: Configure and print from Excel Intelligent Self Designable Architect “Evaluator” is fully flexible software. You can redesign the body structure or formulae of evaluator as per your policy at any point of time. Evaluator contains by default a common formula for report card printing is Term – 1 = FA1 (10%) + FA2 (10%) + SA1(20%) Term – 2 = FA3 (10%) + FA4 (10%) + SA2(40%) “Evaluator” is not rigid to this formula. You can yourself redefine the formulae for report card printout as per your school’s policy. More Features; More Benefits; More Profit •Covers Student Evaluation, Summative Assessment & Formative Assessment •Save your valuable time •Very Easy To Implement. •No Need to write indicators for each student again and again •All the indicators already entered, teacher just have to tick the student’s indicators and all the calculations will be done automatically. •Increase your profitability and efficiency Contact us Computerize your organization from every angle with so simple way. Enjoy the world class latest technology based Eye catching and totally error free Software “e-School” How To Get it Visit Fill the form on any page with your requirement, our experts will contact you or Call us: 09315441053, 09034757673 Email us: