Do You Need 3rd Party Leads? - 18th Digital Dealer Conference

Do You Need
Party Leads?
Finding the Answer with Google Analytics & Digital Attribution
Kevin Frye | Jeff Wyler Automotive Family | eCommerce Director |
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ROI = (Gross – Cost)/Cost
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Gathering Your Data
 Your monthly cost for your 3rd party provider
 For your website, monthly cost includes website
hosting, your SEM for that website, and the cost of any
tools used on your website
 Your VDP count (from provider reports)
 Gather VDP count for your dealership website from
your host, or from Google Analytics
Gathering Your Data
 The number of sales you had for your 3rd provider as
well as from your dealership website
 The total gross for those respective sales
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ROI = (Gross – Cost)/Cost
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One Month snapshot
ROI = (Gross + Assist Value – Cost)/Cost
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Year to Date snapshot
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 Digital Attribution only goes back 30 days…
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 What about the Hours/Directions page as a goal?
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 Attribution does not measure across platforms
 The shopper deletes their cookies
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 Attribution allows you to see the level of assist by 3rd
party providers
 IF you show little to no assist, then you should judge
the provider as it stands alone
 Don’t buy the “mystery traffic” that is coming in.
Are More Leads Better?
 If you buy 50 leads for $1,000 (twenty dollars each),
and make one sale for $1,500, is that a good
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Are More Leads Better?
 What about the cost of labor for leads that didn’t sell?
 Adjusted Cost = Cost + (# of unsold leads * labor cost)
 Let’s assume cost of $25 for working each lead
 Cost* = $1,000 + (49 * $25) = $2,470
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ROI** = (Gross*-Cost*)/Cost*
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What about OEM
Party Leads?
 Hope on the horizon with Kia
 Kia is moving to not compete directly with us which
drives up costs, while reducing their dependence on
3rd party leads
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Do You Need
Party Leads?
 You are investing your marketing money for the best
 3rd party leads provide the least return historically
compared to your dealership website leads, and OEM
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Do You Need
Party Leads?
 Prioritize your spend based upon the ROI of your
digital marketing investments
 IF you have a large budget, third party leads can help
round out your portfolio – but not at a large return
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Wrapping Up
 Price Model changes in the future?
 Why are they called a 3rd party?
 YOU need to look at your marketing mix to make the
best decision
 Questions???
Contact Info
Kevin Frye
Jeff Wyler Automotive Family
eCommerce Director
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