Presented By: Gavriel Fagin I have no business affiliation with Abel Screening I am not a certified Abel interpreter for validity, reliability, and references Daubert vs. Frye Standard Frye: scientific evidence presented to the court must be interpreted by the court as "generally accepted" by a meaningful segment of the associated scientific community. This applies to procedures, principles or techniques that may be presented in the proceedings of a court case. Problems: new techniques, lack of consensus Judge is gatekeeper Relevance and Reliability: the Judge must find it more likely than not that the expert's methods are reliable and reliably applied to the facts at hand. Scientific knowledge = scientific method/methodology In Federal cases and Daubert states, admissibility is a non-issue In Frye states, such as NYS, admissibility has been a “mixed bag” If part of a comprehensive evaluation, more likely to be admitted Questionnaire Good for honest offenders Social Desirability and Cognitive Distortion Scales are very helpful Repeat during treatment How do they come up with risk determination? VRT Case Examples 3 MAIN “NEGATIVE TECHNIQUES AVERSION SATIATION BOREDOM TIME 1 TIME 2 TIME 2 TIME 3 TIME 1 TIME 3- 1.5 YEARS