Accom vs ModLO - CTE - Johns Hopkins University

Accommodations & Modifications
Success Strategies in the Inclusive Classroom
Module 1
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
Accommodations vs. Modifications
According to the Webster's New World Dictionary:
 Accommodations
1: Adjustment, 2: Willingness to do favors, 3: A help
 Modifications
1: To change partially in character, form, etc. 2: To limit slightly,
3: To limit in meaning.
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
Accommodations vs. Modifications
 Changes how a student
accesses information and
demonstrates learning.
 Does not change the
instructional level, content
(standards), or performance
criteria during the instruction
and assessment phase.
 Changes what a student is
expected to learn.
 Does alter the instructional
level, content (standards), or
performance criteria.
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
Accommodations vs. Modifications
 Accommodations may change how, where, and when
a student accesses information.
 Modifications change what the student is expected to
learn and what rubric/criteria will be used to evaluate
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
Examples of
Accommodations & Modifications
 Scheduling
 Seating
 Assistive Technology or
Adapted Materials
 Presentation
 Response (with the same
performance requirements)
 Same activity with different
performance requirements /
 Same activity with a focus on
embedded skills
 Different activity with different
 Same, only less
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
Why provide Accommodations?
 All students need support in their learning.
 For students with disabilities, accommodations are
 Accommodations help these students learn.
 Equal opportunity to obtain results and benefits.
 Adaptations/accommodations allow students with
disabilities “equal opportunity.”
 Accommodations to a standard test format assesses an
individual’s abilities, rather than his or her disability.
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
When do we provide Accommodations?
 Throughout the school day in all school environments.
 Addresses the supports needed to participate in regular school
routines and activities as well as specific instructional areas.
 MSDE - “Decisions for necessary assessment accommodations
should be derived by the daily instructional accommodations.
Each accommodation must reflect an actual instructional
 The same accommodations are performed during informal tests
taken in class on a regular basis.
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
Team Activity:
Accommodations vs. Modifications
 In your team forum, list the differences and similarities
between accommodations and modifications.
 Develop a team definition for instructional
accommodations and modifications.
• This definition should highlight how accommodations and
modifications differ.
 Post your team’s definition to the whole group
discussion thread.
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education
 Moll, A., (2003). Differentiated Instruction Guide for Inclusive
Teaching. National Press Resources, Port Chester, NY.
 Jackson, R. M. (2004). Technologies supporting curriculum
access for students with disabilities. Wakefield, MA: National
Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved [Sept. 1,
2005] from
 Karger, J., (2003). Access to the General Curriculum for
Students with Disabilities: A Discussion of the Interrelationship
between IDEA ’97 and NCLB. National Center on Access the
General Curriculum.
Johns Hopkins University  Center for Technology in Education