Info Exchange Folders

Info Exchange Workflow
Examples for External Users:
Info Exchange Folders
Company Confidential
Company Confidential
Publishing Project Folders and Document
Sets through InfoExchange
Newforma Project Center
Info Exchange
Internal User Publishes Project
Folder or Document Set
External User Views
Contents and Uploads Files
Internal User Receives Files
and Republishes
External User Receives
Updated Files
Company Confidential
Step 1 – On Newforma Project Center
Internal User (Howard Roark)
Publishes a Project Folder to Members of
the External Team
(Bob Welder and Peter Keating)
Company Confidential
Select a Project Folder to Publish to Info Exchange
Howard selects a folder in
the Project Files Activity
Center (he can also select
to publish a Document Set
in the same manner). He
then selects the Info
Exchange task and
Publish as a New Info
Exchange Folder.
Company Confidential
Complete the Publish Dialog
Howard selects the team
member to access the folder,
selects to allow Info Exchange
users to upload files to the
folder and enters a note to the
team members. Howard can
also allow users to make files
available to all team members
without waiting for files to be
republished, he can select Send
uploaded files to all recipients
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Set the Options for the Info Exchange Transfer
Howard selects the
appropriate Info Exchange
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Select the Files to Publish
Here, Howard can select
which files in the folder to
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Published Folder Indicator
Notice the icon on the
folder indicating that this
folder is shared.
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Step 2 – On Info Exchange
External Team Members (Peter Keating)
View Published Folder Contents on Info
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External Team Member Notification
External team members,
Peter in this case, receive a
notification that a folder has
been published. Peter can
chose to just download all
the files. He can also log
into the Info Exchange web
site to optionally download
selected files or upload files.
Company Confidential
View the Contents of the Info Exchange Folder
Peter can see the files that
are available in the Info
Exchange Folder. He can
select to download all
contents or just files that
he needs. Peter selects to
upload a file he sees the
rest of the team needs.
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Upload Files to the Info Exchange Folder
Peter writes a note to
Howard about the file he is
uploading and attaches the
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Confirm Files Have Been Sent
Peter can check that the file
was sent by looking at his
File Transfer log. He can do
that by selecting File
Transfers and File Transfer
Log from the menu. The file
he just sent can be seen in
the Outbox view filter.
Company Confidential
Step 3 – On Newforma Project Center
Internal User (Howard Roark)
Receives Uploaded File and Updates Info
Exchange Folder Contents
Company Confidential
Info Exchange Upload Notification
Howard receives a
notification that Peter
uploaded a file for the Info
Exchange folder. Howard
selects the link to navigate
to the Info Exchange
activity center.
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Accept Security Notice
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Receive Pending Info Exchange Folder Upload
Howard sees the pending
Info Exchange Folder
upload and selects the
“Receive pending Info
Exchange Folder Upload”
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Select Options for Receiving the Info Exchange Upload
Newforma Project Center
provides an option to
define the location to store
a record copy and select
the next action – Howard
would like to extract the file
and save it to his
published folder on his file
Company Confidential
Select Files to Extract
Newforma Project Center gives Howard the
option to select which files he would like to
save to the project folder. He can also
select to Republish the files to the Info
Exchange folder
all within this workflow.
Company Confidential
Republish the Folder
Howard updates his note
to the team to let them
know about the updated
folder contents.
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Set Info Exchange Transfer Options
Newforma Project Center
displays the Info Exchange
transfer options, defaulting
to the original publish
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Select Files to Publish to Info Exchange
Newforma Project Center
displays the list of files that
will be transferred.
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Confirming the New File on the File Server
Howard navigates to the
Project Files activity center
to confirm that the file was
extracted and saved to the
published folder.
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Step 4 – On Info Exchange
External Team Members (Peter
Keating) Receive Updated Files
Company Confidential
External Team Members Receive Notification
External team members
receive notification about
the update to the folder.
The download link only
downloads the files that
have been added to the
Info Exchange Folder.
Company Confidential
Info Exchange Folder Contents Updated
Peter can log into Info
Exchange and see that his
file is available to the team.
Company Confidential