Air Resistance, Sails, Propellers Remember… • Air Resistance- force of air pushing against the motion of an object • Air resistance is a type of friction Watch This! Air flow moving around and object • Sails and propellers both help with air resistance. How can sails help with air resistance? How can propellers help with air resistance? Your Task… • Using the rubber band energy that you have discovered, you will be documenting how the travel of the car changes with air resistance. Directions • First, use the rubber band to create 3 trial runs (2 twists, 5 twists, 10 twists). Record the times in your science notebook of how long it takes to travel a certain distance. • Figure out how to attach the cardboard piece to your car to make a flat sail. • Now use the rubber band and same twists to see how the “sail” effects the moving of the car. Think About This… • What did you observe when your vehicle moved with the sail influencing the motion? • How could you have adapted the sail so that it would have less effect on your vehicles motion?