Manchester United Soccer Club Rock Rimmon Soccer Complex Expansion Plans Darren Hamilton Outline Current status Requirements Constraints Resources Responsibilities Timeframe Costs Return on Investment Tracking Manchester United Soccer Club Located in Manchester, New Hampshire Training facility for young athletes 24 boys and girls, ranging from 9 to 16 years of age Owns Rock Rimmon Soccer complex Summer Tournament Manchester United Soccer Club wants to host a summer tournament Possible revenue of $50,000-$70,000/Year Current complex consists of 3 fields Complex needs 2 additional fields to host tournament Existing fields need refurbished Funding needed for scholarship program Current Situation Nicolette Larson voted tournament director First meeting was not productive Few useful ideas were generated Conversations got off track Discussions resulted in arguments Work Breakdown Structure Tournament Remodeled Complex Remodeled Fields New Fields Survey, Blueprints Dirt Work Field Dressings Landscaping Replace Equipment Field Treatments Funds Sponsors Fund Raising Apparel Turf Lighting Goals Corner Posts Bleachers Design WP-1 T WP-2 T WP-3 T WP-4 T WP-1 L WP-2 L WP-3 L WP-1 G WP-1 CP Fund Raising Activities WP-1 B Clothing manufactured Grants Plan for moving ahead Determine scope statement of project Create organizational breakdown structure Estimate times, costs, and resources needed Create a project plan Approval Execute through completion Constraints and Resources Constraints Limited Time Project Funding People, Materials, Equipment Resources Funding Apparel Design Apparel Production Resources Cont. Survey Blueprints Development Turf contractors and supplies Electricians and lighting Landscapers to refurbish existing fields Contractor to install field dressing Responsibility Matrix Task Jayhawk Lightning Thompson Jim’s Turf Skyline Landscapi Electricians Excavation Co. Surveyors ng Survey land X Develop X land Install turf Refurbish X X existing fields Install lighting X Responsibility Matrix Cont. Task Tom Spiffy Decal All Star Designs Graphics Sports Fund X Raisers Design X Apparel Produce X Apparel Dress Field Develop scholarship Cathy X X Schedule Fall Survey and blueprints for new fields Develop land for new fields Design and obtain manufacturer for clothing Begin refurbish of existing fields Raise funds Schedule Cont. Spring Replace equipment on existing fields Lay turf on new fields Install Lights Install new equipment Continue fund raising Costs Deliverables Dollar Amount Quantity Totals Each new Field $600,000 (Fresenburg, 2006) 2 $1,200,000 Lighting/field $200,000 (SAFE) 2 $400,000 Apparel Design $500 (Costhelper, 2009) 1 $500 Apparel Production $5000 1 $5000 Field equipment $7400 5 $37,000 Existing field $10,000 (U.S. Soccer 3 $30,000 improvements per Foundation) field TOTAL: $1,672,500 Return on investment Total Cost = $1,672,500 Partner with other organizations to reduce cost by 40% = $1,003,500 Annual income of $210,000 $1,003,500/$210,000 = Complex paid off in 4.8 years. Risk Assessment Likelihood Scale Impact Scale 1 = Highly Unlikely 2 = Unlikely 1= No Impact 2 = Minimal Impact 3 = Moderately Likely 3 = Average Impact 4 = Highly Likely 4 = Significant Impact Detection Difficulty Scale 1= Easy Detection 2 = Average Detection 3 = Difficult Detection 4 = Undetectable Risk Assessment Cont. Risk Event Likelihood Impact Detection Difficulty When Bad Weather 2 3 3 During execution Not enough 3 4 2 funding Losing a execution 2 4 2 contractor Increasing During execution 3 3 1 resource cost Not popular During During execution 2 3 3 After completion Failure to 2 4 2 After complete in expected time completion Lack of Materials 2 4 3 During execution Project Tracking Tracking Gantt chart Cost Performance Index Microsoft Project Status update meetings Conclusions Project should move ahead! Questions?