TuesIR - whitney1.black

Industrial Revolution in Great
DO NOW: We always write
in complete sentences
 Name
the 3 revolutions we have studied
in depth already this year: (hint, look
through your notebook)
 What
was life like in Great Britain
before the Industrial Revolution?
Push/Pull Factors
 1.
Push Factors: Conditions that drive people to
leave their homes Examples: Land scarce in home
country, violence, revolutions, poverty
 2.
Pull Factors: Conditions that attract people to a
new area: Promise of freedom (religious and
political) Hope for a new life, Industry, Jobs, Land.
Ms. Carlson’s Family
 My
grandmother left Sweden alone at age 16 to
come to America. She left because the economy
was poor in Sweden and she had found a job in
America that she wanted. She could also live with
her older sister, who had emigrated to America
 Push
 Pull
Factor: Poor economy in Sweden
Factor: Job in America, Live w/Older Sister
Push/Pull Factor
Examples: Your Turn
A poor English farmer loses his crop to a drought, and his family is
hungry. The knight whose land he works on is often cruel to him. He
leaves his farm for a different plot of land.
Name the Push Factor:
Name the Pull Factor
A Jewish family in Poland is getting harassed by their neighbors, and
have had animals stolen. They move to Israel to be around more
Jewish people and start a new life.
Name the Push Factor:
Name the Pull Factor
Create your own
Push/Pull Examples
your own scenario about an
English family moving from the
countryside to the big city. Make
sure to specify a Push/Pull factor.
Make it good…we will trade and
your partner will have to solve your
push and pull puzzle 
Gallery Walk
 Today,
we are going to complete a gallery
walk about the Industrial Revolution in
Great Britain.
 You
will have about three minutes at each
station to read, discuss, and share the
information with your team. You will need
to fill out the worksheet
Great Britain & Industrial
 Exit
 Pretend
you are a 17 year old boy
leaving the farm for the city. Write a
letter to your family explaining where
you are going and why. Make sure to
include push and pull factors that are
bringing you to the city!!!!