MGT 5309 – FALL 07 Assignment #1 – Chapter 1 I. Question #1 Consider the purchase of a can of soda at a convenience store. Describe the various stages in the supply chain and the different flows (materials, money, and information) involved. II. Question #2 What are some strategic, planning, and operational decisions that must be made by apparel retailers like “The Gap”? III. Question #3 Consider the supply chain involved when a customer purchases a book at a traditional bookstore. Identify cycles in this supply chain (use the cycle view of the supply chain) and the location of the push/pull boundary (the push/pull view). IV. Question #4 Consider the supply chain involved when a customer orders a book from Amazon. Identify the push/pull boundary and two processes each in the push and pull phases. V. Question #5 Describe the supply chain of the company that you presented in class. Include in your description: (a) the identification of the customers, manufacturers, wholesalers/distributors/retailers, and component/raw material suppliers; (b) the supply chain network with the flows of materials, money, and information; (c) the cycle and the push/pull views of the supply chain; (d) the strategic, planning, and operational decision that must be made by the company to run the supply chain. VI. Question #6 Write a short (no more than one page) summary of the paper by Mentzer et al. “Defining Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol.22, No.2 (2001). 1