•Loose leaf and pencil •Number 1-10 •Complete the following. You will be turning this in for points. 5 MINUTES 1. 2. 3. 4. First and last name (what you like to be called) Period Grade Who you live with at home (Mom, Dad, Grandma, Uncle, cousins, brothers, sisters, pets, etc.) 5. Activities/Sports/Clubs/Hobbies that you enjoy 6. Grade you would like to get in this class 7. One thing you will need to work on to get that grade 8. Two interesting facts about yourself (Ex. I went bungy-jumping this summer, I have a pet koala bear) 9. Do you prefer to sit in the front of the class? (bad eyes, ears, focus, etc.) 10. Anything else you would like me to know… Objectives SWBAT: -Explain the Academic Center policies and class expectations -Meet Mrs. Taylor and classmates Agenda 1. Attendance 2. Bell Ringer –Information Card 3. Class Syllabus Powerpoint 4. “Commons” Activity 5. Exit Pass Everything you need: Daily Agendas, Homework, Helpful Websites, Worksheets, etc. .. Circle this on your syllabus! AND circle Mrs. Taylor’s e-mail Topics: -Operations with real numbers -Linear and Nonlinear Functions -Equations and Inequalities -Polynomials -Radicals Goals: -Become better problem-solvers -Learn to appreciate math and all of its uses in the real world Standards: -Illinois State Learning StandardsISAT -College Readiness StandardsExplore/ACT -Common Core- new! nationwide, performance tasks Preparing for: -ISAT in March -Algebra Exit Exam in May (Passing the AEE and getting a C in the course allows you to take Geometry next year) Topics: Goals: -Real numbers -Linear equations and inequalities -Functions -Statistics, probability, and geometry Standards: -Illinois State Learning Standards- ISAT -College Readiness Standards- Explore/ACT -Common Core- new! nationwide, performance tasks -Become better problem-solvers -Learn to appreciate math and all of its uses in the real world Preparing for: -ISAT in March -A solid foundation for taking Algebra next year (Earning a C in the course allows you to take Algebra I Honors) Note: Many of you may have taken Pre-Algebra last year so some of the material at the beginning may be easy. However, it will get more challenging, so make sure you always work hard! Solve problems correctly, but ALSO: JUSTIFY your steps AND EXPLAIN your thinking 1. Be in your seat with all of your materials before the bell rings. 2. Ask permission before leaving your seat. 3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on when you have something to say. 4. Follow directions and stay on task during all parts of the lesson. 5. Respond to the “Give me 5” attention signal. 6. Use respectful tone, body language, and words at all times. Note: Room 225 in/out doors *School ID* -No hats, electronics, food, or drink (other than water). -No bathroom or locker passes. -If you are late, you must have a tardy pass. Come in quietly, put your pass in the basket, and get to work. Rule violations 3 Strikes Strike 1: Name on Board (Warning) Strike 2: Check next to your name (Minus 1 participation point) Strike 3: 2 Checks next to your name (Minus 2 points and conference, phone call home , or detention) (Consistent strikes batting practice AKA parent/teacher/student conference or referral to the Dean or Principal) Also, if you throw your bat (do something beyond strike-worthy), Mrs. Taylor will skip ahead to more severe consequences. **ELECTRONICS BEING USED DURING CLASS WILL BE CONFISCATED** •Don’t lose it! *Can use online book at home* “Do I need to bring it to class every day?” YES! Star the online log in and password (For Algebra only: There’s an underscore after algebra in the link) 1. Textbook 2. Binder w/ 5 dividers for MATH 3. Loose leaf paper 4.PENCILS with erasers 5. Red pens 6. Calculator– no cell phones, no sharing 7. Pencil sharpener/pencil pouch THERE WILL BE RANDOM MATERIAL CHECKS– If you do not have your materials in class, you will lose participation points No locker passes allowed. You can pay $.25 for a pencil, red pen, or sheet of loose leaf paper before class starts! before Use the pencil sharpeners class starts or during work time, not when Mrs. Taylor is teaching. *Signal Check Gradebook! –Ask me if you have questions Breakdown (p. 2) Formative Assessments– 30%-- quizzes, exit passes, classwork, performance tasks 10% -- Participation (classwork, preparation, active participation, binder checks-- includes notetaking and BellRingers) Summative Assessments – 40%-- tests, finals, large projects, performance tasks Homework – 90% = A 20% 80% = B 70% = C 60% = D Below 60 = F Check Gradebook! –Ask me if you have questions Breakdown (p. 1) Formative Assessments– 30%-- quizzes, exit passes, classwork, performance tasks Summative Assessments – 25%-- tests, finals, large projects, performance tasks Homework -- 25% Participation-- 20% -- classwork, preparation, active participation, binder checks-- includes notetaking and BellRingers) 90% = A 80% = B 70% = C 60% = D Below 60 = F Participation Points5 to 10 per week for having your materials, being positive and productive BellRingers -some collected (participation pts) -some keep (binder check pts) Lose points by: being late, forgetting materials, being off task, uncooperative, talking out of turn, using electronics, eating/drinking, disruptive, disrespectful Popsicle sticks Classwork- Binder- -Individual and/or groups/partners -Good practice -Be on task! -Take notes every day and keep organized in binder -BellRingers, Class Notes and Activities, Homework, Quizzes/Tests, Miscellaneous -Binder check next MONDAY and at end of each chapter (neatness, organization, completion) -Don’t clean out! Every Day! Handouts and on-your-own Cornell notes How can the textbook help you take notes? If I am moving too fast, or you don’t understand something I said, raise your hand and ask! Chances are, somebody else in the class is thinking the same thing How I check to see if you understand: PUT A BIG STAR BY HOMEWORK!!! •Practice makes perfect •Daily! (Check WEEBLY) •What if I lose my worksheet? (Print a new one off of WEEBLY) •Answers with no work will not receive full credit. •Must correct during class in RED PEN. •Circle/box solutions I forgot to write down the homework… what should I do? 5 Points possible-- 100% just for TRYING every problem, showing your work, and correcting your mistakes during class. You will get a stamp for having it on time. (Incorrect format = 1 point) ***Since we correct homework in class, I expect you to ask questions so you can learn from your mistakes*** Keep graded hw in your binder. Late work: Minus 1 point each day late. 3 days max! Show all work and correct it before turning it in. Label as “late” or “absent” and place in Late Work tray. I didn’t get 100% on my homework, but I got all the questions right. Why didn’t I get 100%? -Use your notes and textbook! -Try the “Homework Help” links on Weebly. -More tomorrow… Quizzes- Once a week Tests- Once a chapter Finals- Once a semester They count as a huge portion of your grade, so it’s important to STUDY before you take them! See Weebly for tips Multiple choice and short answer. No talking/cheating. Partial Credit possible!!! Show your work! While you are out: Check WEEBLY! Any handouts from class and all homework assignments will be posted. You are responsible for learning what you missed and completing ALL assignments . When you return: Bring in a note and put it in the purple basket for me to sign. Check the black tray for your period and take any worksheets you missed (they will have your name on them). Meet with a friend or see me OUTSIDE of class to make sure you get all the notes and assignments you missed. Do this on the day you return so you don’t fall behind! One extra day for each day absent to complete work. If you miss a quiz/test: Set up a make-up time (during lunch or after school) when you return. Do not cheat: copy work, give answers, pass on information about tests/quizzes, talk during tests/quizzes, etc. Zero-Tolerance means ZERO credit and phone call home -When you come into class, take the handout from the “Take one” pink basket -”Absence Notes” and “Permission Slips” go in the purple basket. I will sign them and give them back to you before class is over. -Student jobs: ID/food/electronics checkers Paper collector Paper passer *Correction to syllabus: My Advisory is in Room 233* *Ask questions during class **Try using the “Homework Help” links on Weebly or try using Google– there are lots of resources to choose from! ***Call a friend ****E-mail me *****Come to my office (during lunch is best, after school sometimes works) ******Make an appointment to see me after school *******Ask me about tutoring with other Kenwood students/teachers Can I text in class? Can I listen to music? Will there be homework every night? Can I use my cell phone or Ipod as a calculator? Can I put my ID in my pocket? Do I like birthday cake? Can I go to the bathroom during class? Can I go to the drinking fountain? Can I go to the nurse? I forgot my homework in my locker, can I go get it? If I bring it to you after class is it late? Can I eat in here? What about pop, lemonade, iced tea? Do I have to bring my textbook every day? Do I have to bring my calculator every day? Do we turn in our BellRingers? Do I have to show work? Do I have to check my answers? Can I clean out my binder when it starts getting full? --When I say go, you need to find one other person in the room who has one of the same letters as you in their first name. Example: Amanda can work with Diego because they both have a d in their first names. --Once you have a partner, sit down. --With your partner, you have three minutes to find 3 (or more) things that you have in common (favorite musician, favorite TV show, same toothpaste, celebrity crush, animal you would be, etc.). You cannot use obvious characteristics like clothing, skin color, or gender. Be creative and prepared to share with the class! Signed Syllabus– Must be complete with working e-mail AND phone numbers of parents or guardians *If your parent is out of town– see me before you leave class.* Put syllabus in “Miscellaneous” section of your binder Extra Credit: Kleenex box– max of 2 per student On a half sheet of paper… Please write one question you have about this class. OR If you have no questions, write one thing you learned today about this class. **Make sure you put your name, period, 9/4/12, and “Exit Pass” in the top right corner** Guidelines for Success: BRONCO PRIDE P-Punctuality- to class and with assignments R-Respect- all property and persons I-Integrity- in your work, responsibilities, and interactions D-Determination- to persist through every problem always do your best E-Empathy- understanding for other’s feelings