What do you know about the Pasifika festival?

What do you know about the Pasifika festival?
Quick Quiz
In what month is the Pasifika Festival held?
Where is the Pasifika Festival held?
How long has the Pasifika festival been running for?
How many days does the Pasifika Festival run for?
Who is in charge of organising the Pasifika festival?
How many countries will be represented at the Pasifika
How many people attended the Pasifika festival last year?
Where could you park if you went to the Pasifika Festival?
Name two attractions at the festival.
100,000 turn out to Pasifika
• Pasifika
Festival video
Assessment Task 1
Outline the nature of the event
 Location of the event
Background to the event
Purpose of the event
Significance of the event
Groups effected by the event
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