Notes page It may help to make a note of what you see in the lesson and any ideas that you would like to discuss with the teacher and/or students. You may also want to think about the following: Class Routines, Assessment Strategies, Modelling/Scaffolding, Lesson Outcomes, Teaching Styles, Differentiation Plenaries 1. 2. 3. 4. Points for discussion with teacher: Points for discussion with students: Objectives and Outcomes Starters and Plenaries Resources Questioning Assessment Differentiation Classroom Management Other Subject: Marking - regular? - periodic levelling/grading? - gives guidance how to progress? Homework set and done? Assessment Progress checked during lesson? - influences lesson activities? Assessment over time thorough and demonstrates progress? Pupils know targets/how to improve? Self/Peer- evaluation v criteria? Learning environment/displays? Teaching of literacy & numeracy? Promotion of SMSC? Tasks and class well managed? Use of behaviour management strategies? Relationships good? Praise and encouragement frequent? Good subject K&U? Modelled work/guide to levels? Good use of resources/ICT/staff? Good pedagogy: Quality of planning? Intended outcome clear Appropriate and differentiated? Takes account of prior learning? Variety of activities? Pace? Pupil participation? Mutual support encouraged? Enables all to make progress? Differentiates in the lesson? Quality of questioning? Understand what they’re doing? Why they’re doing it? Challenged? All? Confidence? Resilience/persistence? Ability to work independently? Ability to work together? Mutual support? Relationships T:P and P:P Attendance and punctuality? Interest and engagement? Make good use of time? Off-task pupils, if any? Extent of disruption, if any? Progress in literacy and numeracy? (Quality of written and oral work?) Extent to which all groups/individuals progress? Year Group: No. of SEN: DATE: Student Voice - Observation Form Pupil achievement over time with this teacher? Pupil learning/progress in lesson? Observer: Teacher: Learning & Progress Attitudes and behaviour Teaching Assessment No. of G & T: PERIOD: Teaching Behaviour and Safety Pupils Student Voice - Observation Matrix Rapid and sustained for almost all. Learning Pupils learn exceptionally well. Attitudes (Very) high levels of engagement, interest, resilience, confidence, independence, courtesy, collaboration and cooperation. Disruption to learning Lesson proceeds without interruption. Disruption to lesson is ‘unusual’. Pupils’ response Pupils ‘make every effort’ to ensure that others learn and thrive. There is an atmosphere of respect and dignity. Pupils respond very well to the teacher’s behaviour systems. They consistently meet the teacher’s expectations. Behaviour management Behaviour management is systematic and consistently applied. Behaviour management strategies are applied consistently. Safety Pupils understand unsafe situations and are Pupils understand unsafe situations and highly aware how to keep themselves and how to stay safe. others safe. Subject K&U Planning Use of time Challenge and match to needs Excellent. ‘Astute’. Time is used very well. Tasks are challenging; match pupils needs ‘accurately’. Activities Well-judged and often imaginative. Expectations Consistently high….. of all pupils. High. Sharply focused and timely. Match individual ‘Appropriate’. Good impact on learning. needs accurately. ‘Notable impact’. Interventions Assessment Most pupils, including groups, and pupils with D&SEN achieve well over time. Pupils learn well. Most pupils are motivated to participate. They are resilient, confident, independent, considerate, respectful and courteous. Progress Progress is broadly in line with national from similar starting points. Pupils’ learning is satisfactory. Some, or all pupils are making inadequate progress. Learning limited; pupils underachieve. Most pupils want to work hard and to improve. They work cooperatively. Pupils, or specific groups (inc D&SEN), are not excited, enthused or engaged by the teaching. Major disruption is uncommon; there may be occasional low-level disruption, but it is not endemic. Pupils respond promptly to the teacher’s directions. Nearly all students are engaged in learning. Clear procedures for managing behaviour; usually applied, but not always consistently. Ps know the main risks they face and understand how these may threaten their own/others’ safety. Persistent low-level disruption occurs ‘more than occasionally’. It hinders learning. The lesson is disorderly. Well-developed. ‘Effective’. Time is used well. Tasks are challenging; match most pupils’ needs. Secure. Adequate. Little time is wasted. ‘Effective’. Mostly appropriate, but do not meet all needs. Sufficient for satisfactory progress. Additional support is deployed carefully. Limited. Planning fails to take a/c of needs. Time is wasted by some or all pupils. Challenge is inappropriate for some or all pupils. Not sufficiently well matched to pupils’ needs. Not high enough. Additional support has little/no impact on learning; gaps are not narrowing. Pupils cannot use RWCM skills as well as they should. Individual needs are ‘usually’ met. Some or all pupils are not engaged by the teaching. Procedures for managing behaviour are not clear or are not used consistently. Pupils do not understand risk and may endanger themselves or others. RWCM & other skills, inc. SMSC ‘Exceptional’. Every opportunity taken to develop ‘crucial’ skills, including RWCM. Very effective. A range of skills, including Some support for skills, but provided RWCM, is taught. inconsistently. Of prior learning. Systematic and accurate. Accurate. Careful, but may lack rigour. Some repetition of work/lack of challenge. Assessment takes too little account of pupils’ prior learning or understanding. During the lesson Understanding is checked systematically and effectively, anticipating interventions. Progress is assessed regularly and accurately. T. listens astutely to pupils, observes carefully and questions skilfully … to reshape tasks… to improve learning. Work is monitored in the lesson. General misconceptions are picked up. Plans are adapted, but this is not always timely or relevant. Assessment is not used effectively to help pupils improve. Homework Appropriate and regular homework contributes very well to pupils’ learning. Appropriate and regular homework contributes well to learning. Appropriate homework is set. This contributes reasonably well to learning, including for D&SEN. Homework is not set regularly or it does not contribute to learning. Feedback and marking Marking and feedback are frequent and of a consistently high quality. Ps know how to improve their work. Assessments are discussed with pupils so that they know how well they have done and how to improve. Marking is regular. Ps are informed about their progress and how to improve. This is usually timely and encouraging. Pupils are rarely, if at all, informed about progress. Many do not know how to improve. Marking is minimal. STUDENT VOICE OBSERVATION RECORD FORM Date ………………… Observing Student ……………………………..…… Observing Teacher …………………………………… 1. What did you enjoy about the lesson? (Learning strategies / Tasks / Resources / Class atmosphere / Pace / Progress) 2. What impact did students have upon Learning? (Student involvement / Differentiation / Contribution / Barriers to learning) 3. Ideas for future Teaching and Learning. 4. Agreed objectives for future lessons. Signed teacher ………………………………………… Signed student ……………………………………………