SWAR - System of Water for Agricultural Rejuvenation

Water, an increasingly scarce commodity is the elixir of life – Shift to a regime of Moisture.
SWAR Technology is unique as it offers highest water efficiency through assured and
measured moisture at plant root with organic microbe multiplier inoculants for capillary
action that spread moisture to serve for growing roots.
Assured moisture and microbes create rich plant food ecology at the root zone as SWAR
pursues aggressive and healthy root growth as central to plant yield.
Measured moisture level to determine varying needs of plant species, soil type and season
In SWAR 250 liters of water per annum is sufficient to grow one dry land horticulture plant.
SWAR uses no electricity, has no weed growth or salt accumulation.
Water is harvested rainwater on farmland or fetched from nearby water bodies.
SWAR is Unique as it
Our plantations include mango, pomegranate, cashew, banana, papaya, drum stick,
guava, red sanders, sandalwood, teak, date palm, forestry species and more.
SWAR clients are small and big farms, institutions, factories, parks, highways and
After three years, when trees are well grown, shift the hardware and expand your
Rejuvenate old tress and renew their vitality if severally affected by drought induced
moisture stress
Tools for higher productivity with reduced drudgery: dual purpose trolleys, scythes to
effortlessly cut weeds/grasses, good swing ergonomically designed pick-axe and
manually operated pumps.
Soon to come: SWAR for vegetables and for seed multiplication and urban
balcony gardening.
SWAR Production System
Fast & healthy
growth of high
yield Horticulture
and Forest
Maximizing Yield
One eighth compared to
drip as water goes direct
to plant roots assuring
continuous moisture.
Prune & train secondary
& lateral branches,
sunlight and aeration
Farmer Planning &
Root Development
Verify moisture for water
schedule based on soil,
season and plant
Post Transplant Root
Zone management for
vibrant growth
Food Ecology
Organic dynamic microbe
inoculants: nutrient/ capillary
action to spread the moisture.
Grow creepers with moisture.
No weeds
Automated Moisture Delivery System
SWAR Layout
Healthy Plant Growth and no Weeds
Storing, pumping or fetching watering
From Harvested Rain to Gravity Delivery
Microbe Inoculants
Rejuvenating Old trees
A full harvest
Grapes in full bloom
# 3-4-526/40, NARAYANAGUDA HYDERABAD-500027
E-mail: swartechnologies 13@gmail.com; cecgopal@yahoo.com
www.cechyd.org ;
PH. 040-27563017 , Mobile:09848127794