Key Concept 5.2

Period 5: 1844 – 1877
Everything You Need To Know About Key Concept
5.2 To Succeed In APUSH
 Key Concept 5.2 “Intensified by expansion and deepening
regional divisions, debates over slavery and other economic,
cultural, and political issues led the nation into civil war.”
 Page 46 of the Curriculum Framework
 Big ideas:
 What were different factors that led to an increase in sectionalism?
 What were different methods abolitionists used to achieve their
 Why did proposals to resolve the issue of slavery in territories
ultimately fail?
 “ T h e i n s t i t ut i o n o f s l av e r y a n d i t s a t te n d a n t i d e o l og i c al d e b a te s , a l o n g w i t h r e g i o n a l
e c o n o m i c a n d d e m o g r a p h i c c h a n g e s , te r r i to r i a l ex p a n s i o n i n t h e 1 8 4 0 s a n d 1 8 5 0 s , a n d
c u l t ur a l d i f fe r e nc e s b et w e e n t h e N o r t h a n d t h e S o u t h , a l l i n te n s i fi e d s e c t i o n a l i s m . ” – p g 4 6
o f t h e c u r r i cul um f r a m ewo rk
 Northern v. Southern economies:
 North:
 Manufacturing – use of free labor
 Population grew rapidly - immigration
 South:
 More reliant on agriculture and slavery
 Slow population growth
 Abolitionism:
 Minority in the North
 Very noticeable campaign
 William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator called for the IMMEDIATE end to slavery
 Underground RR helped slaves escape – 1,000/ year
 Some used violence to achieve goals:
 Nat Turner’s Rebellion
 David Walker’s Appeal
 John Brown’s Raid
Many in the South defended slavery as a positive
 John C. Calhoun
Arguments used to defend slavery:
 States’ Rights:
 States could create laws to determine what’s in their own best
 Nullification:
 VA and KY Resolutions, SC Exposition and Protest – belief that
states could nullify (void) federal laws
 Racist Stereotypes:
 Minstrel Shows:
 White actors used blackface in shows that promoted racism and stereotypes
 “Jim Crow” was a major character
 “ R e p e a te d a t te m p t s a t p o l i t i c al c o m p ro m i s e f a i l e d to c a l m te n s i o n s o v e r s l av e r y a n d o f te n
m a d e s e c t i o n a l te n s i o n s w o r s e , b r e a k i n g d o w n t h e t r u s t b et w e e n s e c t i o n a l l e a d e r s a n d
c u l m in a t i n g i n t h e b i t te r e l e c t i o n o f 1 8 6 0 , f o l l owe d b y t h e s e c e s s i o n o f s l av e r y a n d
s o u t h e r n s t a te s . ” – p g 4 6 o f t h e c u r r i cul um f r a m ewo rk
 Proposals to resolve the issue of slavery that ultimately failed to
reduce tensions:
 Compromise of 1850:
 Major Parts:
CA was added as a free state
Tips the balance in favor of free states
Slave Trade was abolished in DC
Slavery remained, just not the trade
Popular Sovereignty in land gained from Mexican Session
Those living in territories could decide status of slavery
More strict Fugitive Slave Act – will infuriate Northerners
Requires Northerners to aid in catching and return of slaves
Leads to Personal Liberty Laws
 Kansas-Nebraska Act:
 1854 Law that allowed for popular sovereignty in the Kansas and Nebraska Territories
 The expectation was that Kansas would be slave, Nebraska would be free
 Overturned the Missouri Compromise
 Many in the North were upset
 Helped lead to the creation of the Republican Party
 Proposals to resolve the issue of slavery that ultimately failed to
reduce tensions:
 Dred Scott v. Sanford:
African Americans (regardless if they were free or slave) were NOT citizens and
could not sue in court
Slaves were considered property and could not be taken away without “due
process” (5 th amendment)
Congress could not regulate slavery in territories
Tensions between the North and South increase
Democratic Party splits along sectional lines
 The end of the Second Party System was caused by:
 Issues of slavery and nativism -> helped lead to sectional parties (see
election of 1860)
 Republican Party emerged in the North and Midwest:
 Made up of Free-Soilers and some former Whigs
 Lincoln’s Presidential Platform in 1860 was the NONEXTENSION of slavery
 Ultimately, this would lead to many southern states seceding, causing the Civil War
Multiple-Choice and Short Answer
 Abolitionists’ methods
 Defenses of slavery
 Failed attempts at resolving slavery issues: Compromise of 1850, KS NB, and Dred Scott
 Republican Party and Lincoln’s election platform
Essay Questions:
 Increase in sectional tensions
 1860 election as a turning point
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