Teacher’s Note Audience: 4-5th graders Suburban or urban community where kids do not have background or knowledge of nutrition Interactive slides and fun images throughout the entire time To ensure they learn more effectively, the “next” button will appear after instruction/teaching. Environment: At home/computer lab/library (a quiet place) Work done individually Need headphones to listen to the video and sound clips Pencils and paper may be helpful for students if they want to take notes as they go through each slide (optional). Objectives: Given a blank food pyramid, students will be able to identify at least a couple foods in each category and their serving sizes with 100% accuracy on their own. Given different amounts of food categories in a food pyramid, students will be able to compare and contrast the appropriate amount of food in-take per day with 100% accuracy. Help How do I use this activity? This is a toolbar with 4 option buttons to help you through this activity. Click a button to find out what it does! Help How do I use this activity? The “back” button allows you to go to the previous page. Help How do I use this activity? The “help” button allows you to come back to the “How do I use this activity” page, which gives you instructions on how to navigate this activity. Help How do I use this activity? The “main menu” button allows you to go on the home page with lesson topics buttons. Help How do I use this activity? The “next” button allows you to go onto the page that comes after the current page. Help Why Nutrition? •Learning about nutrition will help us to have healthier lifestyles by choosing to eat healthy foods. •By making healthy eating decisions, you will feel stronger and even smarter! Help What is food pyramid? A food pyramid is a nutritional diagram in the shape of a pyramid. Today, some people like to use My Plate, which is a plate that has the same information as a food pyramid. Food pyramid Help My plate c why is it important? The food pyramid is important because it is a guide to help you eat healthily by showing you what to eat, how much you eat, and why you eat those food. You don’t want to miss out on this, so pay attention! Main menu Oil Meats and beans Vegetables Dairy Click one to learn more! Fruits Grains Help Skip to quiz Welcome to Grains Click on the image to explore! Help Grains health benefits/disadvantages Grains provide great nutrients including dietary fiber, B vitamins, and minerals like iron, magnesium, and selenium. Whole grains help with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and weight management. Help Quick review Which ones are in the grains group? Click on images to check your answers! Hint: there are more than one correct objects Help Sorry, this Yes! This is is not one of one them. of them! Good job! Good try! Quick review cont. Can you think of at least five grain foods right now? How much grains should I eat each day? (Maybe picturing a image of my plate might help) Help Welcome to Fruits Click on the image to explore! Help Fruits health benefits/disadvantages Fruits provide vital nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C. Health benefits include reducing risk of stroke, heart disease. It can also protect from cancer and reduces risk of obesity. Help QUICK REVIEW Which ones are in the fruit group? Click on images to check your answers! Hint: there are more than one correct objects Help Sorry, this Yes! This is is not one of one them. of them! Good job! Good try! Quick review cont. How much fruits should you eat each day? Can you recall some of the health benefits of eating fruits? Help Welcome to vegetables Click on the image to explore! Help Vegetables health benefits/disadvantages Vegetables provide dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Health benefits include low in calories consumption, reducing risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. It protects against all types of cancer. Help QUICK REVIEW Which ones are in the vegetable group? Click on images to check your answers! Hint: there are more than one correct objects Help Sorry, this Yes! This is is not one of one them. of them! Good job! Good try! Quick review cont. Can you recall some of the health benefits of eating vegetables? How much vegetables should you eat each day? Help Welcome to dairy foods Click on the image to explore! Help Dairy food health benefits/disadvantages Foods from dairy group provide calcium, vitamin D, and lots of protein as well. Calcium can help build teeth and bones in maintaining bone mass. Potassium helps sustain healthy blood pressure. Vitamin D maintains right levels of phosphorus and calcium. Health benefits include reducing risk of low bone mass, bone issue, and low blood pressure. Help QUICK REVIEW Which ones are in the dairy group? Click on images to check your answers! Hint: there are more than one correct objects Help Sorry, this Yes! This is is not one of one them. of them! Good job! Good try! Quick review cont. Name three dairy foods. How much dairy should you eat each day? Help Welcome to meat and beans Click on the image to explore! Help Meant and beans foods health benefits/disadvantages Seeds, nuts, and eggs provide nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, iron, and vitamin E. Proteins help to build up our muscles, bones, cartilage, skin, and blood strains. B vitamins help with our nervous system and build tissues. Health disadvantages include high in calories, high saturated fat, and cholesterol. This could increase risks of heart disease, obesity, and raise of LDL in blood. Help QUICK REVIEW Which ones are in the meat and beans group? Click on images to check your answers! Hint: there are more than one correct objects Help Sorry, this Yes! This is is not one of one them. of them! Good job! Good try! Quick review cont. What are some health disadvantages of meats/beans foods? How much of this group should you eat each day? Help Welcome to oils/fats/sugars Click on the image to explore! Help Oils/fats group health benefits/disadvantages Oil vs. fats: Fats contain more saturated/trans fat than oils. Oils contain more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are better for your health. Why are oils important? Small amounts are recommended because oils have essential fatty acids that will not have high cholesterol levels. These essential fatty acids also provide some vitamin E. Health disadvantages include obesity, cancer, and heart diseases. Help QUICK REVIEW Which ones are in the oils/fats group? Click on images to check your answers! Hint: there are more than one correct objects Help Sorry, this Yes! This is is not one of one them. of them! Good job! Good try! Quick review cont. What are oils? What are fats? Which one of those are healthier compared to the other? Help Quiz time!-review tip Review previous covered material and this video to prep for a QUIZ! I’m ready to take the quiz Quiz time! Directions: Answer each multiple choice question by clicking the best option given. Answer the short answer questions by typing in the blank text boxes to your best ability. Click on the home page button to review any material. Click “I am finished” button to check your answer. I’m ready to take the quiz 1. How much meat/beans or proteins food should you eat each day? a) 1-2 servings/1 ounces b) 2-3 servings/5 ounces c) 5-7 servings/10 ounces Incorrect! Oops, go back to the meats/beans group to review and try again! Click on home button. Know it now? Click “back” button. Help Correct! Great job now try another one, click “next” button to move on. Help 2. What is one benefit of eating vegetables? I am finished Check your answer! Health benefits include low in calories consumption, reducing risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. It protects against all types of cancer. Are you on the right track? Give yourself a pat on the back if you got it! Didn’t get it? Go to home page to review. Help 3. How much of a plate should veggies and fruits together take up? a) 1/4 of plate b) 1/3 of plate c) 1/2 of plate Incorrect! Oops! Go back to vegetables or fruits food group to review. Know it now? Click on the “back” button to try again! Help Correct! Great job now try another one, click “next” button to move on. Help 4. What is one disadvantage of eating too much oils/fats food group? I am finished Check your answer! Health disadvantages include obesity, cancer, and heart diseases because oils contain unsaturated fat acids and fats contain saturated fat acids. Are you on the right track? Give yourself a pat on the back if you got it! Didn’t get it? Go to home page to review. Help 5. List at least 5 dairy food products. I am finished Check your answer! Some examples of dairy foods include: Yogurt **Note: butter, cream, and cream cheese are NOT part of the dairy food group! Milk Cheese Ice cream Are you on the right track? Give yourself a pat on the back if you got it! Didn’t get it? Go to home page to review. Pudding Help 6. How much grains should you eat everyday? a) 6-11 servings/6 ounces b) 3-7 servings/4 ounces c) 7-13 servings/10 ounces Incorrect! Oops, go back to the grains group to review and try again! Click on home button. Know it now? Click “back” button. Help Correct! Great job now try another one, click “next” button to move on. Help 7. Which of the following is not considered part of the meats/beans group? a) Lamb a) Beef a) Pork a) Grapes a) Black beans Incorrect! Oops, go back to the meats/beans group to review and try again! Click on home button. Know it now? Click “back” button. Help Correct! Great job now try another one, click “next” button to move on. Help Congratulations! You have completed this lesson! Make sure to save this power point so I can grade! Great work! Now you know all about eating healthy, share your knowledge to others so that they too may learn about nutrition and eat more healthily! Resources: Info: http://www.foodpyramid.com/myplate/vegetable-food-group/ Pictures: http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/carrots/ http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_217/1197397049He2qul.jpg http://heartofthematteronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/smart-boy.jpg http://bestclipartblog.com/clipart-pics/healthy-clip-art-14.jpg http://www.lucylearns.com/images/milk-clipart-cheese-clipart-food-clipart-1.gif http://www.letstalkmagazine.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Whole-Grain-Group-Pic.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/BarleyEars.JPG/220px-BarleyEars.JPG http://www.owlcreeksupply.com/images/oats.jpg http://www.owlcreeksupply.com/images/rice.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Wheat_close-up.JPG/250px-Wheat_close-up.JPG http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/82116/82116,1208581358,1/stock-photo-bread-and-grains-group-11696671.jpg http://louisianapridegristmill.com/images/cornmeal.jpg http://s3-media2.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/xWiKJu-zp5DLJh-Xigab6g/l.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-Cq4NUdbB0o/SRDyN0P9WpI/AAAAAAAABmc/w1may8af_OY/s320/bread1.jpg http://www.wpclipart.com/household/kitchen/gadgets/measuring_cup_BW.png.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4mYc_So3-Wc/UEqIMyDnm8I/AAAAAAAAAoU/zdYC3h6YCUE/s1600/fruits.jpg http://media.gerber.com/nirf/cm2/upload/6AE9B52B-5452-4C54-91AE-15FAB500585C/100Juice_AppleJuice32.jpg http://www.brickmanproduceandseafood.com/uploads/6/5/7/8/6578177/9609949_orig.jpg http://www.popcorn.org/Portals/0/Images/myplate_green.jpg http://www.infinitelabs.com/images/Veggies.jpg http://x26.xanga.com/077f9af714d34261839395/z208665895.gif http://hostedmedia.reimanpub.com/TOH/Images/Photos/37/exps8566_RDSC1049409D53A.jpg http://www.aipl.arsusda.gov/kc/DAIRY2A.JPG http://www.trilliumnaturalfoods.com/images/dairy%202.jpg http://gooddietplan.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/protein-anti-aging-diet.jpg http://static.ifood.tv/files/images/editor/images/food%20group(1).gif http://marshallslocuminn.com/files/2012/09/Seafood-for-health1.jpg http://www.drweilblog.com/storage/post-photos/food/spicesherbs/oil%20and%20vinegar.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1286307150654 http://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public/@wcm/@private/@fc/documents/image/ucm_301184.jpg http://www.oilrefineryplant.com/images/Olive-oil.jpg http://photos2.demandstudios.com/DM-Resize/photos.demandstudios.com/getty/article/178/202/78459713_XS.jpg?h=10000&w=400&keep_ratio=1