XYZ AFFAIR powerpoint

What was the XYZ Affair
The XYZ affair was a diplomatic incident that almost
lead to a war with U.S.A and France. When John
Adams sent three US diplomats to make peace with
France, instead the minister of France sent 3 agents
called X, Y, and Z to deal with the US. X, Y, and Z
demanded o total of 10million 250thousand dollars.
John Adams did not like this, so he started attacking
French ships.
Who did it involve?
It involved our 2nd president, John Adams, our
diplomats the minister of France at the time Charles
Maurice de Talleyrand, our 3 diplomats, Charles
Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry. It also
involved the 3 French agents, X, Y, and Z.
When did this Affair happen?
 The XYZ affair happened in 1797-1798’
 It happened while France were at war with Britain.
How did this affair start
 When the French attacked American ships, John
Adams reacted in the way that he sent 3 diplomats
to make peace. Instead the French agents X, Y, and
Z demanded a bribe. They demanded $10 million
loan, a $250,000 personal bribe to French foreign
minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, and a
formal apology for comments made by U.S.
President John Adams.
How did the Affair end?
John Adams could not take this bribe, so he started
to attack French ships. This lead to the undeclared
war between France and USA called the Quasi war.
The affair worsened the relationship between the US
and France.
What do you think would have happened, if
John Adams reacted differently?
 John Adams reacted by sinking French ships. This
lead to the Quasi War.
 I think one of two things would happen.
 1. I think that the French would keep asking for
bribes, and we would keep paying them. Eventually
we would go bankrupt.
 2. I think that John Adams would find another way
to not pay the French, but not go into to much
Who were X, Y, and Z
 X, Y, and Z were agents for the
minister of France.
 They were later identified as Jean
Conrad Hottinguer, Pierre Bellamy
and Lucien Hauteval.
What did the American citizens think of
this affair, how did they react?
 American citizens were furious with this affair.
 Their opinion was that the French think the we are
weak and will not stand up for ourselves.
 They made a slogan that said "Millions for defense,
but not one cent for tribute"
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