Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams
The believer in a united country
Early Years
 Abigail
Adams was born on November 22,
 She grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts
 She married John Adams at the age of 19
 Becoming
intelligent enough to complete
some of the amazing things that she did
 Explaining loudly and clearly what she
thought about slavery and women’s rights
 Showing what life was like during the time of
the Revolution (although she didn’t even
know that she showed that)
Role In The Revolution
 Giving
strong opinions about the colonists
 Speaking out about being a formed, united
Important Events and Dates
 1773-The
Boston Tea Party took place
 1774-Abigail’s husband, John, was elected to
the Continental Congress
 1775-The Revolutionary War began
 1783-The Revolutionary War ended
 1789-John was elected as the vice president of
the United States
 Getting
everybody to listen to her when she
talked about rights and equality
 Taking care of and supporting the whole
family every time that John went away
 Being turned down by others because she was
a woman
Character Traits
 Hardworking
 Strong-minded
 Intelligent
Other Interesting Facts
 She
never spent a single day in school-she
learned to read and write from her
parents, and once she could read, books
did the rest
 She and John owned a farm in Braintree,
 Abigail’s 2nd daughter, Susanna, was born
in December, but she died in February,
only 2 months after she was born
 Created
by Lola Murnighan
 A 4th grade student