To What Extent Should We Embrace Internationalism? By: Cheyanna and Myra Internationalism Principle of cooperating among nations, for to promotion of the common good Different Meanings to Different People Understanding Internationalism Hegemonic: dominating influence of one group over another Revolutionary: conflicts of societies are determined by international factors and alliances, created economic and political alliances and modern day nation-states and war Liberal: through greater interaction and cooperation, nations and nation-states can achieve common goals, especially peace and prosperity Motives: involved vs. uninvolved Security Economic stability Self-determination Foreign Policy Humanitarianism Peace Foreign Aid Foreign Policies Multilateralism -Various nations/nation-states cooperate to pursue their interests and goal beyond their national boarders not alone, but in cooperate and coalition with other states, opposite to unilateralism (acting alone) Supranationalism -a government has no authority in an international affair because it is a decision made by and international organization that the country belongs to NATO WTO African Union United Nations Peacekeeping The UN States that it is a way to help countries torn by conflict, create condition for sustainable peace Foreign Aid Many countries around the world, work with another to improve the quality of life of people in developing countries and to combat issues like poverty, human rights violations, famine, aids and other concerns International Laws and Treaties -one way to control how nations treat one another i.e. nations expected to follow rules that set water boundaries and other issues concerning water rights and fishing. NATO- 26 nations, military cooperation International Organizations EU: European countries share resources in an attempt to eliminate friction and build cooperative and peaceful relationships in Europe i.e. shared currency International Organization of la Francophonie -a cultural and linguistic community of more than 175 million people who use French daily to varying degrees, promotes internationalism through being world wide in 55 countries Arctic Council: and intergovernmental organization, combines authority of governments to address concerns of a specific group of people who live in the arctic circle permanently , was created to develop and Arctic environmental protection strategy International Organizations African Union -Works towards improving and securing democracy,, human rights, and a stable economy in Africa by resolving African conflicts and by creating a common market among African countries World Council of Indigenous People -Established in 1980, works to ensure fair and just treatment and a united voice for over 370 million indigenous people worldwide UN -closest thing to a world government -purpose to maintain peace and security, develop friendly relations between, cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems in promoting respect for human rights and freedoms -established a variety of ways to address global concerns -to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations when attaining these Negative Impacts of Internationalism Poverty Disease i.e. Pandemics Ethnic and National Conflicts i.e. Genocides and Wars Debt Human Rights Violations Dependency on Aid Environmental Conflicts i.e. differing environmental requirements in different nations Loss of Sovereignty Trade Restrictions and Requirements Positive Impacts of Internationalism Environmental Cooperation United Actions Against Threats Access to International Foreign Markets Peaceful Interaction Between Nations Easier International Trade i.e. NAFTA Opportunity to Act Internationally in the Nations Interests Sacrificing Nationalism For Internationalism Should international interactions come at the expense of looking out for one’s own nation? In regards to economics: a globalized community has created the harmonization of trading rules A nation’s self-determination may be put aside for internationalist reasons Nations may have to sacrifice identity, security, their freedom of governing and their choice of making their own rules for Internationalism Sacrificing Nationalism For Internationalism Nations may be forced to act or do something or may lose their sovereignty in areas because they have signed previous agreements under previous governments National involved may gain Mutual Benefit i.e. Canada and the U.S. cooperating in military security for themselves, Canada gains defensive capabilities, U.S. increases size of military force with help from Canada European Union: Some say it creates a European culture at the expense of the cultures of the member nations, members must accept changes to their governance, labor laws, civil rights and economics