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Interstate System & Global Politics Concepts

Interstate System
A system of competing and allying states.
relatively modern phenomenon in the human history whereby
it composes of two non-interchangeable terms:
Is an "imagined community" and does not go beyond a given
official boundary". It is inherently limited and sovereign. It has
boundaries, meaning not anyone can be a Filipino.
Refers to a country and its government.
Treaty of Westphalia
It was a set of agreements signed between May and October 1648
to end the Thirty-Years' war between the major continental
powers of Europe. It is a brutal religious war between Catholics
and Protestants.
Concert of Europe (1815-1914)
Alliance of "great powers" of the United Kingdom, Austria,
Russia and Prussia that sought to restore the world of monarchial,
hereditary and religious privileges of the time before the French
Revolution and Napoleonic Wars.
a doctrine and/or a political movement that seeks to make the
nation the basis of a political structure especially a state. It is a
sense of national consciousness that generally exalts one's own
nation above others and focuses on the promotion of interests.
desire for greater cooperation and unity among states and
people. In a more comprehensive definition, it is a political
principle that places the interests of the entire world above those
of individual nations and argues for cooperation among nations
for common good. This can be divided into two broad categories:
liberal internationalism and socialist internationalism.
Liberal Internationalism
Cluster of ideas derived from the belief that international
progress is possible, where progress is defined as movement
toward increasing levels of harmonious cooperation between
political communities.
Socialist Internationalism
Marx died in 1883, but his followers soon sought to make his
vision concrete by establishing their international organization
called Socialist International (SI).
Socialist International
association of national socialist parties that advocates a
democratic form of socialism.
Defined by the existence of a division of labor. The modern
world-system has a multi-state political structure the interstate
system and therefore its division of labor is international division
of labor.
Core Nation
Three Zones According to the Prevalence of Profitable
Industries or Activities:
These appear to be powerful, wealthy and highly independent
of outside control.
They are able to deal with bureaucracies effectively; they have
powerful militaries and can boast with strong economies.
Semi-peripheral nations
Three Zones According to the Prevalence of Profitable
Industries or Activities:
These regions have a less developed economy and are not
dominant in the international trade.
In terms of their influence on the world economies, they end
up midway between the core and periphery countries.
Peripheral nations
Three Zones According to the Prevalence of Profitable
Industries or Activities:
These are the nations that are the least economically
One of the main reasons for their peripheral status is the high
percentage of uneducated people who can mainly provide cheap
unskilled labor to the core nations.