Related Issue 3 Assignments and student bklt

Social 20: Related Issue 3: Lesson Sequence
Chapter 9:
Slides 1-42
Vocabulary: begin.
o Due in 3 days.
Needs and wants:
o Maslow. Discuss flexibility
o View from Here: Failed states. Discuss
o Botswana, Zimbabwe:
 #1: make a chart
 #2: choose 3 categories to explain
 #3: paragraph **
o Position paragraph: **
 Is isolationism a valid response to world issues?
 Use evidence from pg 221 to address both sides of the issue.
o Read
o #1: pick 4. Respond.
o #3: pick 2.
Nations and their Responses to the World: QUIZ **
Chapter 10:
Slides 43-65
o Review foreign policy
o Research paper **
Chapters 9-10 QUIZ**
Chapter 11:
Slides: review 33-42 (WHO to NGOs)
o Read
Ch. 11 #2
o UN/Iran questions
o Read
Arctic Cold War:
Chapter 12:
1 day to work on group project
Slides: 65-73
Life and Debt: VIDEO
Study Guide
RI3 Test
Social 20 – Related Issue 3:
To what extent should internationalism be pursued?
Vocabulary to know:
Isolationism (social, military and economic):
Economic Sanctions:
Collective security:
Gross National Income:
Tied aid:
Trickle-down effect:
Absolute poverty:
Odious debt:
Social 20-1/20-2 Chapter 10:
Peacekeeping Project
This assignment is based on the subject of peacekeeping. This is something we have begun to discuss in
class so you should have some idea of what it entails and be able to think of examples of BOTH its use
AND Canada’s history of involvement.
This project is a short research paper that answers a series of listed questions. It will be no longer than 2
pages double spaced (Times New Roman, size 12 font). It is NOT a persuasive essay. Therefore, it does
not need an introduction or conclusion and doesn’t need to contain your opinion until the final paragraph.
Use pages 237-238 in your textbook to get started, but you are also expected to conduct a little bit of
outside research. You must put ALL information found into your own words and cite any sources
consulted (links are fine)! You will not receiving a passing mark until this is done. If you are caught
plagiarizing it will be an automatic zero.
Essay Outline:
First paragraph: What is the role of peacekeepers? When are they sent to conflict zones? What
guidelines must they usually follow? When, if ever, are they allowed to use force? What is the
difference between peacekeepers and peacemakers?
Second paragraph: What is the United Nations Security Council? How and why is the Security
Council looked to authorize peacekeeping missions?
Third paragraph: Discuss Canada’s first peacekeeping role in the Suez Canal crisis in 1956.
What was the nature of the dispute? What was proposed to settle things down? What did Lester
B. Pearson have to do with resolving the crisis? Why is this event often considered the “birth” of
Fourth paragraph: Describe Canada’s peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia during
the 1990s. What was the nature of this crisis? How was Canada involved? Why was the
peacekeeping mission often seen as ineffective or deemed a failure?
Fifth paragraph: Outline your stance on peacekeeping. Do you think it’s effective? Do you
agree with the principles it stands by? Should it be improved, changed in any way, or scrapped
altogether? Why?
Questions Thoroughly Answered
Adequate Research (beyond textbook, including providing reference of sources)
Spelling and Mechanics
Social 20-1/20-2:
Arctic Cold War
*Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. The questions are in order from the beginning
of the documentary. These questions will be reviewed in class tomorrow for homework marks.
1. What does Stephen Harper say in regards to the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (the large
group/chain of Canadian islands)?
2. Why is the Arctic not what is used to be?
3. What is the Northwest Passage? Why is it suddenly so important?
4. Why is there a fight over the legal status of the Northwest Passage? Where does the US and
Canada disagree?
5. Do you think that the Northwest Passage is uniquely Canada’s to use and control or do other
countries like the US have just as much right to use and benefit from it? Support your position
with a valid argument and defense.
Social 20-1/20-2
Nations and their Responses to the World:
*Match each question with one answer from the list of possibilities below:
1. A country choosing appeasement while Adolf Hitler expanded German territory and crushed
opposition without interference from the international community.
2. Finland and Sweden agree to enter into an agreement to control fishing in the Gulf of Bothnia.
3. A group of countries make up the World Trade Organization.
4. Canada and the United States each deliver $500 million dollars to Haiti to allow the country to
repair itself after a devastating earthquake.
5. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is an agreement that has become
international law. It defines territorial waters as those extending 22 kilometers from a country’s
6. Tonga bars foreigners from entering the country.
7. The United States and Australia refused to endorse the Kyoto Protocol, which was an
international attempt to deal with climate change.
8. At the UN World Summit in 2005, world leaders pledged to achieve universal access to
HIV/AIDS treatment by 2010.
9. Turkmenistan discourages all kind of trade with other countries.
10. The European Union has proposed in it’s constitution a ruling that once member countries have
signed agreements with the EU, that they cannot pass national laws that violate these agreements.
- Social Isolationism
- Military Isolationism
- Economic Isolationism
- Unilateralism
- Bilateralism
- Multilateralism
- Supranationalism
- Supranationalism
- Internationalism
- Internationalism
*For the sake of this assignment consider internationalism as pertaining to humanitarian relief efforts.
Social 20-1/20-2:
Life & Debt
*Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. The questions are in order from the
beginning of the documentary. These questions will be reviewed in class tomorrow for homework marks.
1. What was the purpose of the International Monetary Fund?
2. What did Jamaica soon realize after it gained its independence from Britain?
3. Does the IMF offer long-term development plans? What comes with the short-term loans it
4. What justification did the IMF give for devaluing Jamaica’s currency?
5. What was Jamaica’s debt by the 1970s? What is it today?
6. Why is foreign food in Jamaican supermarkets more expensive than local food?
7. Why did “fair trade” ruin the dairy industry?
8. Milk powder is actually more expensive to produce than fresh Jamaican milk. Why then is it
being sold for cheaper?
9. What was the US’ concern with the World Trade Organization concerning Jamaica and other
Caribbean countries’ selling of bananas to Europe?
10. What is the free zone? How does it work?
11. How much of every dollar the Jamaican government collects goes to debt repayment?
12. How are IMF votes determined? To change any IMF policy what percentage of the vote do you
need? How come it is so hard to implement IMF policy that is not supported by the United States
or Western Europe?
13. Why has the rejected chicken meat from the United States that is sent to Jamaica hurt local
poultry producers?
14. Why did the makers of this documentary choose to show North Americans in Jamaica on
vacation and then contrast that with “the real Jamaica?” Do you think this was an effective
technique? Did it change how you view these countries? Why or why not?
15. What did you think of the movie? What do you think of the IMF? Is Jamaica getting the “short
end of the stick” or are they merely getting outplayed and outsmarted by foreign competition?
Possible Evidence to Use for Essay
For Internationalism (against source)
- Prevention of WW II/Holocaust
- Stopping of Ukrainian Famine
- Prevention of Rwandan Genocide
- Prevention of Armenian Genocide
- Success of Peacekeeping (Suez Canal)
- Successes of United Nations
- War on terror: killing of Osama Bin Laden
- International Criminal Court
- Help Tibet/Kashmir achieve independence
- Humanitarian causes (tsunami, earthquake, Right to Play)
For Isolationism (for source)
- Failure of League of Nations
- Failure of Treaty of Versailles
- Severed relations in Middle East over pursuit of oil
- Imperialism and it’s legacies
- Fighting a war that isn’t ours (Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam)
- India’s fight for self-determination from Britain
- France being bankrupted by supporting American Revolution
- Conscription in Canada during WW I and II
There are many others I’m missing!!!
Social 20 Chapter 11: Pgs 257-259
Exploring Nationalism. Pages 257 – 259
Nuclear Deal between India and the US (October 2008)
Key Terms: Look up if needed
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
International Atomic Energy Agency
A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility
Iran, United States, India, Pakistan, China
Zahra Kazemi
UN Human Rights Council
How have the United Nations’ changing international responses affected nationalism?
UN intervention options include:
The report also stated that intervention in the affairs of sovereign states should only
occur when: (page 257)
Case Study: Iran’s Conflict with the UN
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty has two primary goals:
The UN International Atomic Energy Agency monitors:
What have the US and its allies argued (said) about Iran?
Using page 258 as your source, list the evidence against Iran, and list UN actions taken in
an attempt to de-escalate the conflict and convince Iran to NOT develop nuclear
October 2008: Nuclear Deal between India and the US
-Respond on a separate sheet of paper A number of nations have nuclear weapons such as the United States of America and Russia (both began
producing weapons during the Cold War), along with China, India and Pakistan. The US (1970), Russia (1970),
Iran (1970), and China (1992) are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. India and Pakistan are not.
However, The US and India have a bilateral agreement as of October 2008 which allows the US to sell nuclear
fuel, technology, and reactors to India. India will allow IAEA inspections with the exception of eight military
installations that are off limits. Considering the ongoing dispute between Pakistan and India over Kashmir (pg.
192 for review), and the adversarial relationship between the US and Iran over Iran’s uranium program, answer
questions 8 and 9]
What would be the probable nationalist responses from Pakistan and Iran to the new nuclear
deal between India and the United States?
Some speculate that one of the reasons the US made the nuclear deal with India was its nationalist
motivated concern with China. What might the concern be? Think in terms of political and economic
Case Study:
Zahra Kazemi – Human Rights, Internationalism and UN Response
(pg 259)
Summarize the key case facts under the following headings.
Zahra Kazemi:
Iranian Government:
Canadian Government:
Social 20 - Chapter 12
Internationalism & Global Issues
Chapter 12 is all about Internationalism and Global Issues. Your task is to summarize the topic given to you and
your group by referring to your textbook and putting the information in your own words. Essentially, your group
is teaching this topic to everyone else. You do not need to do any outside research and do not need to consult the
Compile your information in a PowerPoint, poster, play, word document, movie, or whatever form your group
wants to use. However, you will be given only 1 class to work on this. This is an assignment that you will present
to the class. You will be graded on this presentation.
Each group will need to summarize the main points of their topic into 2-3 sentences of notes that can be made
available for your classmates to copy down for studying. These notes should be shown to me before your
Each group also needs to answer the questions of how your topic relates to internationalism and how you would
go about “solving” the issue with a realistic plan. Do not disregard these two important components as they make
up 40% of your mark.
Internationalism & Poverty, pg. 278
Internationalism & Hunger, pg. 279
Internationalism & Disease, pg. 280
Internationalism & Debt, pg. 281
Internationalism & Climate Change, pg. 282 & 283
Internationalism & Human Rights, pg. 284
Internationalism & Conflict, pg. 285
Internationalism & Nation-States, pg. 289 & 290
Mark Breakdown
Highlights main points of topic (and provides succinct notes)
Discusses how topic relates to internationalism
Comes up with a realistic plan of how to “solve” the issue
Social 20: Chapter 11 Text Pgs 264-265
Chapter Issue: To what extent do efforts to promote internationalism through world
organizations affect nationalism?
How do the responses of various international organizations affect nationalism?
“Trickle-down theory suggests that when people in developed countries [developed = highly industrialized] have
more money to spend, they will buy goods and services offered by businesses in less developed countries [less
developed = less to least industrialized countries and nations typically in the South] – and this spending will help
strengthen the economy of the developing world.” Organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the
European Union support this theory.
According to those in support of the WTO, and its support of trickle-down theory, how does the WTO
promote national interests?
What arguments (and example) claim WTO practices are a detriment to national interests?
3. Those in support of the EU claim…? (Remember nationalism.)
Those against the EU claim…? (Remember nationalism.)
Social Studies 20
Related Issue 3: Study Guide
To what extent should internationalism be pursued?
Due to the high occurrence of source analysis questions on high school Social Studies multiple choice tests
(questions based on cartoons, graphs, maps, readings, etc.) you may think that studying for Social is irrelevant.
After all, the questions are based on the sources and since you have no idea what the sources are there is no point
in studying right?
This is a HUGE mistake! Although you may not know the exact sources you need to know the events, conditions,
or highlights of certain topics to give you a context for analyzing the sources. For instance, how can you correctly
interpret the meaning of a political cartoon on Darfur if you don’t know what Darfur is or what happened there?
You do not need to spend 10 hours studying for this test but you need to make sure you have a enough
background knowledge on the main topics we’ve studied over the last 4 chapters. You will not need to know how
many countries make up the Arctic Council or where the United Nations is located but you should know the
reason for the formation of the Arctic Council and the purpose and criticisms of the United Nations.
The following are topics you should have a general understanding of:
Rwandan Genocide & Suez Canal Crisis
European Union
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), WTO (World Trade Organization)
National interest vs. internationalism
Isolationism, unilateralism, bilateralism, multilateralism, supranationalism, etc.
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations: Red Cross, Greenpeace, etc.)
Peacekeeping and peacemaking
IMF (International Monetary Fund), Arctic Council, La Francophonie
Kosovo (Pg. 182-184, 197, 199)
Ottawa Treaty, International Law of the Sea, Kyoto Protocol
United Nations Security Council (who is in it and how does it work)
Darfur & Bosnia
Foreign aid
Canadian arctic sovereignty
US’ role in the United Nations
Definitions you should know:
Intergovernmental organizations
- Successor state
- Collective consciousness
- Appeasement
- Diplomacy
- Tied aid
- Assimilation
Social 20 Homework Check (12 marks)
1. What is one reason why the ratio of Francophones in the early 20th century began to shrink? (1 mark)
2. Why were Francophones, more than any other group in Canada, against conscription? What did this do to
Francophone relations with the rest of Canadians? (2 marks)
3. What was the Quiet Revolution? What about it was “quiet?” (2 marks)
4. What is an allophone? (1 mark)
5. Who founded the Parti Quebecois and what was its political platform? (2 marks)
6. What project allowed Chinese immigrants to come to Canada? What is a head tax? (2 marks)
7. How were black immigrants from the US treated in Canada? Explain. (2 marks)
Chapter 9 Text Assignments:
Pgs 216, 217:
o Botswana, Zimbabwe case study:
 #1: make a chart
 #2: choose 3 categories from Figure 9-10 to explain
 #3: write a paragraph
Pgs 220-222:
o Read; write a position paragraph addressing the question:
 Is isolationism a valid response to world issues?
 Use evidence and opinions from pg 221 to address both sides of the issue,
and prove your opinion.
Pg 228:
o #1: Pick 4; respond
o #3: pick 2.