What do we already know about Ancient Egypt? Warm Up: Write down everything you know about Egypt. It can be vocabulary, people, ideas, etc. Just make a list. * * * * * * * WIO: 3, 2, 1. for Ancient Egypt (Ticket out the Door) * 3 Facts I learned * 2 Questions I still have * 1 Thing I would like to learn more about. Page 43 Date: 11.13.12 A 11.14.12 B Journey to Ancient Egypt Class Work: •Warm Up •Collect Hammurabi Writing Assignment •Notebook Check 2 •Ancient Egypt KWL chart •“Journey to Ancient Egypt” Video • WIO HW: Vocabulary cards. Characteristics and icon box ONLY!! Page44 How does geography, religion, government, and social systems influence the civilization of ancient Egypt? Warm Up: Watch the following video about pyramids, and…… http://www.history.com/topics/cleopatra/vide os#the-great-pyramids-deconstructed Answer the following question: Write down 3 of the coolest/most important facts you saw. WIO: Write one possible multiple choice question for a quiz. You must use two vocabulary words. Page 45 Date: 11.15.12 A 11.16.12 B Ancient Egypt Notes Class Work: •Warm Up/Check HW – Vocab Cards •Continue Video Review •Readings/Note-taking Activity •WIO • Explain HW HW: Vocabulary cards. Characteristics and Meaningful Sentence Box!!! **Study for a quiz on Ancient Egypt** Page46 Date: 11.19.12 A 11.20.12 B What major events and traditions in Ancient Egypt make up their cultural identity? Egypt Timeline Warm Up: Watch the following song about mummies and Egyptian burials, and…… Write 3 interesting facts. * * * WIO: Test Reflection 1) Why did your grade change between the two tests? 2) What can you do to make positive changes on the next test? 3) What can I (teacher) do to make positive changes for the next test? Page 47 Class Work: •Warm Up •Check HW – Vocab Cards •Review Egypt Main Idea Questions (p. 46) •Egypt Quiz •Review Test and complete test trackers •Egypt Timeline Activity •WIO HW: Enjoy the Thanksgiving Break! Page48 Date: 11.26.12 A 11.27.12 B What major events and traditions in Ancient Egypt make up their cultural identity? Egyptian Pharaohs Warm Up: In the brown textbook on p. 233 answer the Standards Based Assessment questions #s 1-4. (Population Map and Bar graph reading practice questions) 1. 2. 3. 4. Class Work: •Warm Up •BrainPop Video – Do Viewing Guide •BrainPop Quiz •Social Pyramid •Timeline Activity •WIO WIO: Do you see social classes today in the US? Create a Venn diagram to compare your perception of social classes in Ancient Egypt versus Social classes today. HW: Draw symbols/pictures on your Ancient Egyptian timeline to represent each major period and/or event. (1 image per event) Page 49 Page50 How does Ancient Egyptian society view and treat various social classes? Warm Up: What is meant by the word social class? What factors determine a person’s social class? Should people be able to move from one social class to another? Explain. WIO: Do you see social classes today in the US? Create a Venn diagram to compare your perception of social classes in Ancient Egypt versus Social classes today. Page 51 Date: 11.28.12 A 11.29.12 B Social Class Scavenger Hunt Class Work: •Warm Up •Check HW- Ancient Egypt Timeline (p. 50) •Egyptian Social Class Scavenger Hunt and jigsaw activity •Social class reflection questions • WIO HW: Paragraph Answer (5-7 sentences) on page 52. If you could be anyone except the pharaoh, who would you choose to be and why? Be sure to explain the advantages and disadvantages a person with this social status and job would have had in ancient Egypt. Page52 What makes a successful civilization lose its power and fall? Warm Up: 1) Predict what could cause one civilization to lose its power? List at least 3. 2) What about Egypt would make neighboring civilizations want it’s land and/or people? WIO: Back of Vocab Card Description What is the impact that the Vocab term has in these Social Studies themes? Culture Geography Page 53 Economics ($) Civics/Government Fall of the Ancient Egyptian Empire Class Work: Date: 11.30.12 A 12.3.12 B •Warm Up •Check HW- WIO p. 50/52 •Discuss Reflection questions from Scavenger Hunt p. 53 •Fall of Egyptian Empire Video •Viewing guides •Study Guide with Partner •Go over Study Guide • WIO HW: Back of Egypt Vocabulary Cards“Impacts on…” (Choose at least 1 category to write what that term’s impact is on: Culture, Economics, Geography, or Government) Page54 What 21st century skills can I develop and use to present information about Ancient Egypt in a meaningful and educational way? Warm Up: Make sure your presentation is on a USB and members know their presentation responsibilities. Ancient Egypt Project Date: 12.18.12 A 12.19.12 B Class Work: Warm-Up Group Presentations- 8 minutes each! WIO-HW if not completed WIO: Group Work and Member Evaluation HW: Finish Reflection. HAVE A HAPPY BREAK! Page 55 Page56