Student Registration Walkthrough “I Need An Access Code” PPT

How to Purchase SAM Instant Access Codes on the
CengageBrain Website
*Verify your ISBN number with your professor!*
SAM “instant access” ISBNS for Cengage Brain purchase:
SAM 2007:
•SAM 2007 v6.0 Assessment, Training & Projects: 0840067739
•SAM 2007 Assessment One Time Use: 053849848X
To purchase an “instant access”
SAM code online, please visit Enter your
ISBN number and click “Find”.
SAM 2010:
•SAM 2010 Challenge: 1111669589
•SAM 2010 v2.0 Projects: 0538751843
•SAM 2010 v2.0 Assessment & Training: 0538466995
•SAM 2010 v2.0 Assessment, Training & Projects: 1111669368
Once you have located the ISBN you
would like to purchase, click “Add to
Cart”. You will get a pop-up window
showing the item you’ve added (please
make sure pop-up blockers are
If you are finished, click “See my Cart”.
You will see a pop-up message
explaining that your instructor must
have assigned this software for it to be
When you are finished shopping, click
the “Checkout” button.
If you already have a
account, simply log in under “Returning User.”
If this is your first time purchasing through, fill in the fields under
“New User” then click “Continue”.
Verify your account information,
then enter the contact information
that the purchase will be billed to.
Enter your payment information, confirm
your purchase, then agree to the “User
Agreement.” When you are ready to
complete your transaction select the
“Finish Purchase” button.
You can view your order information in
the “My Home” screen. Click “Open” to
access your SAM product.
To register for SAM directly from this site, click
the “Click here to register” button and enter
your instant access code exactly as shown.
Your SAM order is now complete!
 As shown in the previous slide, you can locate your instant access code AND
register as a new SAM user directly from the “My Home” page of your account.
 By way of confirmation, you should also receive two separate messages at the
email address you provided. The first message will include your CengageBrain
order number and a review of your purchase. The second message will include
your SAM instant access code, as well as brief instructions on how to register the
code at the appropriate SAM product website. Please follow these emailed
instructions closely.
 The Cengage Learning CourseCare website contains a wealth of information
and guidance on how to use SAM. Depending on the version you are using, please
visit one of the following SAM-specific CourseCare links:
SAM 2010 resources:
SAM 2007 resources: