
Tutorial 6
Exam preparation
General comments
• How is everything going
• Any general questions or concerns?
Exams: Key Points
Everyone wants you to pass!
Failing an exam is not the end of the world!
Don’t worry about what you haven’t covered, work out
how to make the best use of what you have done.
No-one understands everything – there are bound to be
areas where you feel underprepared and confused.
Don’t panic when you read exam questions. Almost
every exam question is linked directly with something
you have covered on the course. You just have to work
out the link.
Exams are as much about what you understand as what
you remember
Have a clear plan as to how you intend to use your time
in the exam
You will probably do a lot of work before the exam. Do it
in a planned way, using your time efficiently and
conserving your energy – don’t turn your life into a
misery because of an exam!
What kind of learner are you?
‘I see’
‘I get the picture’
‘That’s clear’
‘That sounds great’
‘I hear what you’re saying aural
‘That strikes a chord’
‘It feels right’
‘It slipped my mind’
‘Let’s start from scratch’
mind maps
visual learner colour code notes
pictures, diagrams
record notes to tape and play back
repeat out loud
use rhymes, mnemonics
walk around as you read notes
use big notes (posters) to ‘feel’ words
use gestures to remember/link material
Revising for & taking exams involve techniques that can be learned & practiced
Everyone revises differently – experiment and see what works best for you
But remember: revision should be an active process – the more you think about,
manipulate and practice the material, the easier it will be to remember
You don’t have to remember every detail – more important to get to grips with parcels
of ideas (i.e. foundational theories in developmental psychology)
• Re-reading
• Copying
• Typing notes onto computer
• Highlighting
• Writing index cards
• Annotating text (comments)
• Mindmapping
• Repeating (not reading) out
• Doing past papers
• Work through the following
questions in groups & then
group as a whole
– Your overall feelings about exams
& revision?
– Aspects or issues that concern or
interest you?
– What techniques have you used
in past exams and which ones
have been successful?
– What techniques haven’t been
Revision cont.
• Build breaks into yr timetable
• Revise for 30 – 40 mins → take a break
• Break at an interesting point so you are
encouraged to return to it
Relaxation techniques
20 mins, eyes open or closed
1. Breathe normally, just after breathing
out, count silently ‘one’. Count ‘two’ after
the 2nd exhalation. Go up to 10. Then
start again from one. Do this for 5 mins.
2. If you lose count, start again.
3. Next make your silent count just before
you breath in. Do this for 5 mins.
4. Stop counting, spend 5 mins just noticing
the sensation of breathing in your body.
5. Spend the last 5 mins noticing the point
at which air enters and exits the body
(usually lips or nose)
Exercise reduces stress
Get a good night’s sleep!
Positive Attitude
Use Phrases Like:
• I will work well
• I will learn what’s worth learning
• I will set myself regular deadlines
• I will take regular breaks
Don’t use phrases like:
• I will work hard – work prioritised above everything else
• I will learn every detail – can’t see the wood for the trees
• I will sit here until the work is all done – this will make you feel tired
• I will not have free time unless I’ve earned it – creates guilt, learning
becomes a chore
The Exam
Day before:
• If possible take the day off
• Get a good night’s sleep
• Don’t spend all day talking
about the exam
• Don’t eat too much junk
• Use relaxation techniques
• Weds 20th Oct, 2.30 – 5.30pm
• Allow plenty of time to get
there (delays, parking etc)
• Take your exam allocation
letter & personal ID (with
photo & signature)
• Wear loose fitting,
comfortable clothes, take a
Tackling the questions
• Answer 3 questions in total
• 2 questions from Parts 1-3, each
chosen from a different part, and
compulsory seen question based on
part 4
• Read all of the questions
• 5 mins choosing questions and order
• Plan!
– 5 mins per question
– Underline key words in question
or paraphrase
– What will you include?
– How will you answer?
• Re-read when finished
• Check you’ve done everything!
Seen Question
• Choose your topic!
• Can be any area of child development
• Read 3 chapters
• Find 2 references independently
(use academic search complete or
Google Scholar)
• Set about researching your answer
• Practice writing that answer as if it
were an essay TMA
• Revise the content and structure for
the exam
• http://www.open.ac.uk/safari/
• Takes you on guided tour of how to research a
• What is information?
• Planning a search
• Conducting that search
• Using the information
First steps
Further searching
Search database provided by the OU
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO Host)
Link from your student page
Enter search terms (your topic)
Separate out key words:
e.g. ‘autism’ and ‘false belief’
Choose ‘Full Text’ (to download whole articles)
Read through titles
Some papers clearly not relevant
Select those you feel ‘appear’ suitable
Read the Abstract
Click on article title, and scroll to Abstract
Download copies of the papers you want
Click on PDF button by article
Activity 2: Seen Question
Within your chosen topic area, discuss the extent to
which research in developmental psychology, and it’s
application, have improved support for children.
What is this question asking you to do?
What area are you focusing on?
How are you planning to tackle the question?
What might be included?
→ Prepare like a standard essay
→ Be critical and balanced!
Au revoir
Good luck!