
Lamb to the Slaughter
By Shirley Jackson
“It’s the old story,” he
said. “Get the weapon,
and you’ve got the man.”
Point of View
There are Three types of Point of View
1st Person– “I” am telling the story and I am the
main character
2nd Person– “I” am telling the story, but I am
not the main character (Like DR. Watson in the
Sherlock Holmes stories)
3rd Person– the story is not being told by
3rd Person Limited—We know the
thought and feelings of one character
3rd Person Omniscient– We know the
thoughts and feelings of all the characters
• There are several examples of foreshadowing
in the story. They can be obvious (like “Ship
Trap Island”) or subtle (like the vultures’
shadows flickering across George’s face).
• There are several examples of foreshadowing
on the first couple of pages of “Lamb to the
• A Protagonist is the Main Character of the
story (even if it isn’t the good guy)
• An Antagonist is the character that creates the
problem for the protagonist. There can be
many antagonists, but, just like there is a main
conflict, there will be a Main Antagonist.
• Chronological order– The order in which the
events happen according to time
– EX. First I went to the library, then I checked out a
book, that evening I read the book, and the next
morning I took an AR test.
• Spatial Order– the order of details given in
the physical space
– EX. I turned left at the stop sign, drove straight for
a couple of miles then turned into the last house
on the right.
Spatial Order
Quote, from the text, one example of Spatial
Use the picture on the next page as a guide. (It
is from details in the story.)
• Situational Irony: What the character expects
to happen is the opposite of what actually
• Dramatic Irony: When the audience knows
something that the characters don’t
• Verbal Irony: What is said is the opposite of
what is meant