Literary Devices There are three different types of irony: Dramatic Irony

Literary Devices
IRONY: a contrast between what occurs and what is expected.
There are three different types of irony:
1. Dramatic Irony: when the audience knows something that the characters on
stage are not privileged to; the audience foresees an outcome of the
character’s words and actions that is contrary to the character’s expectations;
a device most often used in plays.
2. Structural Irony: Involves the use of a naïve hero whose view of the world
differs widely from the true circumstances recognized by the author and
3. Verbal Irony: Involves a discrepancy between what is said and what is really
meant; sarcasm
FORESHADOWING: The author provides hints or clues of future events.
Purposes of foreshadowing are:
 To increase the reader’s curiosity
 By increasing interest, it will increase attention to detail
 Foreshadowing makes the story realistic because even surprising events
can seem believable if some hints have been provided beforehand.
PATHETIC FALLACY: When the weather matches the events that are occurring.
SYMBOL: anything that stands for or represents something else; used to
emphasize a conflict or issue within the literary work.
PARODY: is a humorous imitation of a work, usually mocking the original by
exaggerating or distorting some of its defining qualities.
ALLEGORY: is a narrative where characters, setting, objects, or events represent
ideas / qualities. (i.e., the Garden of Eden).