The Muscular System

The Muscular System
What are the Parts of the Muscular
• There are three types of muscles that make
up the muscular system: smooth, skeletal and
cardiac muscles.
Smooth Muscles
• Smooth muscle are involuntary muscles that make up
your organs like your stomach, esophagus or
diaphragm. You cannot control these types of muscles
by thinking about them. Your brain automatically
controls the movement of these muscles.
• Smooth muscles help you throw up when you are sick.
They also move food through your digestive tract.
Smooth Muscle Continued
• Smooth muscles move your diaphragm up
and down so you can breath.
Smooth Muscles Continued
• Smooth muscle is also found in your bladder.
They allow you to “hold it” until you can find
a bathroom, then they contract to let urine
Skeletal Muscle
• Skeletal muscles move your
skeleton. They are striated
which means they look
striped. Skeletal muscles are
voluntary muscles which
means you can control their
movement. These muscles
work together with your
skeleton to move your body.
They allow you to turn your
head, stand up, or kick a ball.
Cardiac Muscle
• Cardiac muscle is the muscle
that makes up your heart.
• You cannot control cardiac
muscle by thinking about it.
• Your nervous system controls
your cardiac muscle and makes
it pump blood throughout your
body with a regular beat.
• If you had to control your own
cardiac muscle by thinking
about it, your heart would stop
whenever you went to sleep.
What is the purpose of the
Muscular System?
• The purpose of the muscular system is to
provide movement for your body. Muscles
move your bones and your internal organs like
your heart, stomach and diaphragm.
How does the Muscular System
Work with other Systems?
• Your muscular system works
with the skeletal system to
move your bones.
How does the Muscular System Work
with other Systems?
• The muscular system works with the digestive
system to move food through your body.
How does the Muscular System Work with
other Systems?
• The muscular system works with the circulatory
system because the heart is made of muscle and
it pumps blood throughout your body.
How does the Muscular System Work
with other Systems?
• The muscular system works with the
respiratory system to push CO2 out of your
body and pull O2 in.
How does the Muscular System
Work with other Systems?
• The muscular system works with
the nervous system because
your brain and nerves control
the movement of all of your
Interesting Facts
• You have more than 600 muscles in
your body.
• About 40% of your body weight is from muscles.
• Muscles can’t push. They only pull. Your muscles
work in pairs to move your bones.
• To move bones they pull in opposite directions.
• Your muscles in your eyes are the busiest muscles
in your body. They can move more than 100,000
times a day.
Muscular System Quiz
What are the parts of the muscular system?
Muscles: smooth, cardiac and skeletal
What is the purpose of the muscular system?
To move your body
How does the muscular system work with other
• It works with the circulatory by moving the heart to
pump blood, with the skeletal by moving the bones,
with the respiratory by moving the diaphragm, with
the digestive by moving food through the system, with
the nervous because the brain controls all movement.