

Core Stability

Not just a good 6 pack

Core Stability

• What is core stability

• Muscles involved

• Linked to functionality

• Exercises

Fitness parameters

Six parameters to overall fitness:

1) Cardiovascular

2) Strength

3) Proprioception

4) Flexibility

5) Stability

6) Endurance

What is Core Stability?

• Core muscles enable us to stand upright

(stabilisers) and move on 2 feet (mobilisers).

• A strong core distributes stress of weight bearing and protects the spine.

• The neutral spine is the correct position of the pelvis in order to gain the maximum benefit from exercise.

Muscles Involved

• The “Core” relates to the bodily region bounded by the abdominal wall , the pelvis , the lower back and the diaphragm and its ability to stabilise the body during movement.

Muscles Involved

• Local Stabiliser = muscle responsible for stability of each segment of spine, correct position

• Global Stabiliser = muscle responsible for control or stabilising joint movement

• Global Mobiliser = muscle involved in moving body, trunk and limbs


Side of body

Muscles Involved

Superficial Layer

Global Stabiliser

Intermediate Layer

Global Stabiliser

Deep Layer

Local Stabiliser

Rectus abdominus


Muscles Involved


Intersections – fibrous and allow epigastric vessels to pass along posterior wall

**Can have fab superficial abs but poor deep transverse and lower abdominal control

Muscles Involved

• Close proximity to deep pelvic hip muscles and lower back muscles:

• Lumbar multifidus – joins from vertebrae to back of pelvis

• Psoas major– from vertebrae round to front of hip into femur- flex thigh at hip joint, flex trunk on the hip

• Iliacus – from iliac crest down front of hip into femur



Link with Functionality

Static posture: Relies on the length, strength and tension of the stabilising muscles.

Link with Functionality

Dynamic Posture: Relies on a ideal balance between agonist (prime mover/working muscle) and antagonist (muscle that opposes the agonist) allowing controlled balanced movement.

Link with Functionality

• The focus of stability work now concentrates on the strength of tranversus abdominus, hip and deep back muscles. This strength precedes normal movement patterns and function of the upper and lower limbs.

Link with Running

• Decreased lumbar-pelvic strength(core stability) contributes to the cause of lower extremity injuries in athletes, particular in females. Further studies are required to confirm the gender differences (Leetun et al 2004).

• An association between reduced hip strength and

LBP occurrence was observed more in females may indicate the need for more gender-specific core programs (Nadler et al, 2002).

Link with Running

• Swiss ball exercises involving isometric muscle actions, small loads, and long tension times are recommended for increases in core endurance.

• Plyometric exercises, are recommended to improve proprioceptive and reactive capabilities.

Willardson (2007)

Link to Running

• Use of Swiss Ball training positively affects core stability however specific exercises for individuals have proved most effective with performance. Limited research in the relation between Swiss Ball training and performance in young athletes.

Stanton et al (2004).


• Runners form and muscle forms.

• All runners have different styles / patterns of movement – this forms different systems and strength of muscles. e.g increased arm movement and trunk rotation, increases the use of oblique abdominal contraction and use.

Preventing Injury

• Warm Up! Prepares muscles for exercise by increasing blood supply and increasing body temperature. Muscle fibres become more pliable therefore lessening the risk of injury. Dynamic range of warm up exercises important.

• Cool Down! Returns body to pre-exercise state.

Muscles become shortened during exercise therefore need to be gently stretched (10 seconds) back to preexercise length.
