MASS SAVE® Whole Building Assessment Initiative Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Green Real Estate Summit, April 1, 2011 Presented by: Ilene Mason Co-Program Manager for National Grid Rethinking Power Management, LLC What is Mass Save®? An initiative sponsored by Massachusetts’ gas and electric utilities and energy efficiency service providers. The initiative provides a wide range of services that help residents and businesses manage energy use and related costs. Participants: 2 Columbia Gas of MA NE Gas Company Berkshire Gas Company NSTAR Cape Light Compact Unitil National Grid Western Mass Electric Co. Whole Building Assessment WBA is a process that enables commercial and municipal customers to assess the energy performance of an entire building and to develop a comprehensive, long-term plan that integrates electric and gas efficiency opportunities. 3 Whole Building Assessment Provides the tools for long-term planning. Delivers cost and savings information to enable prioritization of opportunities. Addresses all fuels. Provides the ability to quantify and track energy performance. Supports multi-year, multi-project planning. Incorporates building occupant education. Introduces customers to their program administrators and DOER representatives. 4 The Four-Step Process STEP 1 STEP 2 Step 3 Step 4 Qualify Customer Conduct Audits Action Plan Meeting Implementation & Education • Initial meeting • Letter of Intent • Questionnaire • Data Release • Lighting – turnkey Service • Mechanical – all fuels • Benchmarking • Other systems as appropriate • Check energy intensity • Internal technical review. • Roundtable discussion •Deliverables include WBA Report within comprehensive binder • Discussion of opportunities and begin planning process • Introduction to state and program representatives 5 • Customer works with program rep on project implementation • WBA oversees educational activity • Rebenchmark Education for Building Occupants • Building Operator Certification • Nationally recognized competency-based training and certification program for facilities personnel. • “Power to Save” Elementary School Campaign • A turnkey program that integrates classroom with homebased activities. • “How Sweet It Is” Campaign • A campaign for middle and high school students as well as corporations to highlight EE accomplishments and provide building occupant EE education. • Rebenchmark • Assess progress using Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager 6 Eligibility Requirements Commercial or municipal customer. Average monthly demand of 200 kW or greater. Building must be at least 75% occupied. Motivated, available building management and staff. Multiple opportunities for improvement. Portfolio Manager rated building type helpful but not required. 7 Whole Building Assessment WBA provides information customers need to plan and move ahead with efficiency improvements over time. 8 Questions? Ilene Mason, National Grid 508-259-5030 Lisa Hadaya, NSTAR 781-441-8399 9